I would like 1 decent chat with an atheist without being kicked out

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Sheldon's picture
FWIW, if someone want's a

FWIW, if someone want's a decent chat with people who they know are not remotely superstitious, then it's a bad idea to preach at them and be an arrogant condescending prick.

Personally I don't think civility is an essential component of debate, and reserve the right to offend the sensibilities of anyone who starts lecturing me about their esoteric knowledge for woo woo superstition that they can't demonstrate any objective evidence for, and since we're bearing our souls, so to speak. I think the Islamic religion is as vapid a superstition as all the others, and their claims for scientific evidence is risible nonsense. If their book is the inerrant word of an infallible deity why do so many Muslims around the world expend so much time and energy trying to suppress all criticism and even comment on it.

arakish's picture
@ rat spit

@ rat spit

Hey Dude.

Have a Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Happy New Year. Go have some fun dude.


rat spit's picture
You as well. ‘‘Tis the season

You as well. ‘‘Tis the season to get blasted (with friends and family).

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
And a very Merry Mithra's Day

And a very Merry Mithra's Day to all!

Tin-Man's picture
Happy Holidays, Mr. Rat Spit!

Happy Holidays, Mr. Rat Spit!... Hope you hang around. It's nice having you with us. Looking forward to much more fun on here during the following months. I plan on starting to practice The Weirding Way on here, or at least a variation of it. Should be interesting... *chuckle*...

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM

@ TM
watch out for Eric's mate Walter, the Purple Hairy Nosed Wombat that lives in my garden shed. He leaves square poops everywhere, which can be a stumbling block to good relations. He is very good friends with the Woo Woo Clowns that run the Audience Participation Circus. He (Walter) will be appearing next year.

Zaphod's picture
I pop in and out these days

I pop in and out these days but have you ever watched the sun rise and sun set, I direct attention to sunset for the purposes of this discussion as the sun goes out or darkens, we lose it's light and it does not appear round nor did it since before humans walked the earth at sunset.

Anything watching the sunset will see a non-spherical object as its light is curved through the lens of our atmosphere and light passes the mass of our planet before falling on the eyes of anything witnessing this event. Anyone seeing that with the ability to understand and write could come up with the description mentioned in the passage the OP brought up. Furthermore, the sun rotates and its surface is though less effected than with some other objects due to it's large mass but still effected as is any spinning object an not sphere but just simply spherical.

PS. Sorry if I'm a bit late and missed some points brought up and discussed previously, I only made it a little past the OP.

Sky Pilot's picture


"Anything watching the sunset will see a non-spherical object as its light is curved through the lens of our atmosphere and light passes the mass of our planet before falling on the eyes of anything witnessing this event. Anyone seeing that with the ability to understand and write could come up with the description mentioned in the passage the OP brought up."

The Mohammed character thought that the sun set in a muddy pond at night. Why would anyone believe anything an idiot like that thought about anything?

Surah 18:86


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