If the universe did not come about by pure chance - what did happen?

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PaulPores's picture
If the universe did not come about by pure chance - what did happen?

I know all about your Big Bang theories, your evolutionary concepts, your philosophies how a God couldn't possibly exist, your statistics showing how everything came to be by pure chance, etc.

And if the universe did not come about by pure chance - what did happen? Perhaps a better question would be 'who' did it?


I just choose to refuse to accept this information. I NEED FAITH. Faith is the only way I can believe it to be true. Nothing can change my worldview and my faith I have in Jesus Christ.

The faith you possess to believe how processes like evolution and the Big Bang actually occurred matches the faith I have that my God created everything in existence.

The faith you have to believe in the occurrence of the Big Bang and transpeciation is the same faith you have that the chair you're sitting in will hold you, that the building you're in will not collapse on you, that the planet you're on will not disintegrate.


Unless you can construct a time machine and go back to the "very beginning", your faith in scientific explanations will be no different from my faith in Biblical interpretations.

So explain to me how you'll be 100% confident in the formation of the universe once you board a time machine and travel back to the beginning.

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Dave Matson's picture
Cognostic's picture
LOL - I had time on my hands.
Cognostic's picture
The only people that make the
PaulPores's picture
So if you don't believe in
LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
"If you don't believe God did
Greig Smith's picture
Everyone wants to believe in
CyberLN's picture
“Everyone wants to believe in
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
Science scientists are still
Dave Matson's picture
Thanks, Cognostic, for doing
fruyian's picture
Before I write anything (and
David Killens's picture
@ Paul Pores
Grinseed's picture
Great post David. Should be
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
" Nothing can change my
PaulPores's picture
"It is observable."
fruyian's picture
So if you haven't seen it
PaulPores's picture
"So if you haven't seen it
Sapporo's picture
When you observe air
Nyarlathotep's picture
As Sapporo pointed out: all
Dave Matson's picture
fruyian's picture
Why are holding science to a
PaulPores's picture
I accept textbooks that
CyberLN's picture
So your criterion for
Sheldon's picture
"I accept textbooks that
fruyian's picture
So now the faith is the truth


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Sheldon's picture
"But to me, I'd rather pursue
fruyian's picture
But to me, I'd rather pursue
PaulPores's picture
Indeed it is, fruyian.
LogicFTW's picture
David Killens's picture
@ Paul Pores


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