I'm a Christian, with questions!

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Evan Gunn Wilson's picture
I'm a Christian, with questions!


My name is Evan Wilson. I am teacher at a Classical Christian school, where I teach Humanities as well as Apologetics for the Christian faith. I believe it is important for our students to be exposed to different ideas, especially ones like atheism. So, one of my projects for my students is to have them interview an atheist through an online forum for discussion.

Disclaimer: If you see this as an opportunity to convince a Christian to become an Atheist I warn you of our resolve. We mean no antagonism to anyone on this forum, and wish for calm and peaceable deliberation of differing points of view. I (and my students) have questions for the average atheist, which will be our opportunity to learn.

Hopefully, at least one full atheist will step forward and offer their answers to some interview questions.

We ask that you be polite and kind, and refrain from profanity and coarse speech.

As the teacher, I would also enjoy speaking with an atheist about their views so feel free to offer your answers to me.

Thank you for your time!


A follower of Jesus Christ, Evan Gunn Wilson

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Nyarlathotep's picture
We get this kind of request a
Evan Gunn Wilson's picture
We will differences of
Sheldon's picture
"We will have differences of
kevvyd's picture
Agnosticism is not a
Evan Gunn Wilson's picture
I meant "functional atheist"
Sheldon's picture
"someone who affirms as well
turning_left's picture
@Sheldon "Firstly atheism is
Sheldon's picture
Lack of belief in god would
turning_left's picture
Thanks for clarifying. That's
CyberLN's picture
“is there a term or way to
Sheldon's picture
I'm not aware of a separate
turning_left's picture
Thanks, CyberLN.
zachmalech's picture
Isn't not believing something
zachmalech's picture
Wow, didn't realize how late
Sheldon's picture
"the definition of atheism is
zachmalech's picture
I really enjoy the depth of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Zach Malech - Maybe I'm
zachmalech's picture
Ok. So, encompassing all
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yes Zach, there are Buddhist
Sheldon's picture
Zach Malech " I can't grasp
kevvyd's picture
"not meaning that they are
kevvyd's picture
"not meaning that they are
DawkinsDesciple's picture
I would be willing to help. I
Evan Gunn Wilson's picture
Thanks! I'll direct a student
kevvyd's picture
Full atheist? Like, after
Sheldon's picture
What objective evidence can
Evan Gunn Wilson's picture
1. What reason do you have
Sheldon's picture
What objective evidence can
Evan Gunn Wilson's picture
What does a demonstration
Sheldon's picture
If you deny the vslidity of


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