I'm a Christian, with questions!

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Sky Pilot's picture
Evan G Wilson,

Evan G Wilson,

"My name is Evan Wilson. I am teacher at a Classical Christian school, where I teach Humanities as well as Apologetics for the Christian faith."

If you don't know what the real Ten Commandments are and when the Apocrypha was deleted from the Bible you don't know enough to teach anything. So if you don't know that basic information how can you discuss your favorite ethnocentric Middle Eastern religion?

Cognostic's picture
"Sounds like is not asserting

"Sounds like is not asserting a fact. It is a personal opinion. Relax.)" Your teacher is actually doing something very good for you,. Exposing you to facts, evidence, and opinions based on facts and evidence instead of faith and belief is IMO a very good thing. Now, the next step is to not believe anything anyone here has said. You should also not believe anything your teacher has said. The next step is to begin looking for the facts and evidence to support that which is true and real.

mickron88's picture
"The next step is to begin

"The next step is to begin looking for the facts and evidence to support that which is true and real."

yeah..and the best way to investigate is to read your bible..isobel

but not just read it..read it along with rational and logical thinking.

cause what i know is rational arguments doesn't work with religious people.
otherwise you won't be here asking about this stuff...right?

isobel's picture
im sorry it comes across like

im sorry it comes across like i dont read and study my Bible, but i can assure u i do.

Kataclismic's picture
What's this rubbish?

What's this rubbish?
What is it about "I don't believe you" do you have questions about?
I noticed you didn't ask any, but that's because you're not here to ask questions, you're here to preach.
That's what apologists do.

So, now that we've determined you lied in your heading what else should we not believe from you?

isobel's picture
the interview isnt here, its

the interview isnt here, its in pms. this is a sort of advertizement

Sheldon's picture
Yes we've had quite a few

Yes we've had quite a few similar requests recently. Why not ask them here, and do people the courtesy of making the results public, you can still gather all the data from your questions. It has the advantage of offering the questions to multiple subjects and you can gather the results at your leisure.

isobel's picture
well it sounds like a good

well it sounds like a good idea in theory, but its much more difficult to get strait answers in a thread of many. i suppose i could ask some of my interview questions in my thread just so u can answer them, but i cant promise i will record all the answers.

Kataclismic's picture
Straight answers? You mean it

Straight answers? You mean it's harder to bias those answers in favor of your cause in a forum of many.

isobel's picture
what?! no! its just harder to

what?! no! its just harder to keep track of that many people, and i prefer to make my project go fairly smoothly lol. sue me
also, look on my thread. i am posting the questions gradually for anyone to answer, because ive had many requests to do so, and i dont see any harm in it

Randy the Atheist's picture
1. It all starts with 2+2=4.

1. It all starts with 2+2=4. If you tell me that 2+2=7, then you're going to have to prove it. You don't have to of course.... unless you want others to take you seriously.

2. You don't disbelieve in poseidon? How about moloch? You may have heard of him. He's in the bible.

And there is actually no evidence for your imaginary skygod. Like zeus and quetzalcoatl, anything you say to deny these once-popular gods can also be used to deny yours.

Gods are man-made ideas that were invented extremely late in human history - first appearing in the Neolithic around 11,000 years ago and gradually spread from a tiny corner of the world that lay somewhere between the ancient cities of Ur and Nineveh.

Prior to the invention of gods, people long believed in various flavors of shamanism where a priest or "medicine man" would awaken sleeping spirits and call upon them to do good or evil deeds. Shamanism itself was preceded by an even older belief system called animism where every object including rocks and rivers were thought to contain a spiritual force.

The transformation from earth-bound spirits to sky gods followed the invention of agriculture. Agriculture required the precise charting of the sun and the stars in order to track the seasons. Large stone monuments appeared and curious points of light were discovered that crossed the constellations. These lights which are now known as planets became embodied in mystery and eventually into the realm of the divine.

Celestial gods were gradually replaced with supernatural personified beings after the Egytians and Greeks began immortalizing their kings, pharoahs and famous hero warriors. The idea of humans born as gods ultimately sparked the belief that ordinary men living on the fringes of society could also be gods as well - one individual in particular that continues to be celebrated to this day.

The progression of our religious beliefs demonstrate that gods are only provisional ideas - human ingenuities that have come and gone throughout our history - manufactured from previous concepts that faded from popularity as newer and bolder ideas emerged.

Nyarlathotep's picture
isobel - i promise we do not

isobel - i promise we do not want to do that. we ask questions and sometimes ask for clarification, but even if we have a debate style question like that, we will refrain because it defeats the purpose of our interview

Unfortunately, that ship has already sailed Isobel:

Evan G Wilson - I also never was comfortable agreeing that atheists don't claim to believe in anything. This is a word game. The atheist begs the question...

Evan G Wilson - Romans 1:19, "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."

isobel's picture
in the interview, not here

in the interview, not here

Tin-Man's picture


Hello there, young lady. Welcome to the AR. In the interest of being candid, I have to say I am more than a bit skeptical at the moment. Nevertheless, after following this thread and the other involving your teacher, I confess my curiosity is rather piqued. That being said, if you are interested I would gladly answer a few questions for you. Honestly, I'm not much of a debater anyway, and I may actually have some spare time to kill this evening. So if I can help with your assignment, please feel free to PM me.

Cognostic's picture
These guys are

These guys are presuppositionalists. All they want to do is run around in circles with a-priori assumptions. "Everyone knows god exists" "Morality is written on your heart." "You can't have logic without God" Run around in circles as they make assertions and only use their belief in god as evidence as the Existence of God is an A-priori assumption of which no evidence is required. It's going to be a big waste of time.

Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: Big waste of time

@Cog Re: Big waste of time

LOL.... No doubt. Sadly, though, I'm bored tonight. *chuckle* Plus, I'll be amazed if I get PM'd anyway. Part of my whole curiosity. Also, I wonder if anybody else has noticed something that is so obvious it is easy to miss? The teacher guy said this is part of a class assignment, right? So, is Isobel his only student? Where are the other students? Granted, I would not expect the entire class to flood one site, but you would think more than just a single student would pop up here. Anyway, just an observation. *humming quietly to self while patiently waiting for a PM that may never arrive*

Old man shouts at clouds's picture

Yep, seems a bit suss, but maybe the others are all of drinking, smoking, having illicit sex somewhere or door knocking and annoying the bejasus out of little old ladies.
The Isobel character seems genuine, very young (everyone under 50 looks around 12 - 14 to me now) I think and thoroughly surface indoctrinated. Whether it holds up under the intense scrutiny she is putting herself under I don't know.

BTW You know nobody can pm you? I have to reply to pm you send me. I dont think your name matches or something.

Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: PM's

@Old Man Re: PM's

Yeah, I've noticed folks seem to have a problem with that. Now that you mention it, my profile name is different than my account name. I may have to do something about that.

As for Miss Isobel. she seems nice enough for now, so I will extend her the benefit of the doubt for the moment. Besides, it goes totally against my nature to pick on young ladies. Simply can't bring myself to do it. *halo over head with wings spread wide*

isobel's picture
lol thnx for trusting me and

lol thnx for trusting me and not picking on me

Sushisnake's picture
We will never pick on you,

We will never pick on you, Isobel. We'll grab hold of one end of your beliefs like it's a chew toy in the full hope and expectation you'll grab the other end and pull like mad, but we'll never pick on you. If any of us DO pick on you, pick up the ad hom fallacy bat and clobber 'em over the head with it.

isobel's picture
lol thnx, ive had several

lol thnx, ive had several personal attacks on my intelligence on here, but im just going to try and ignore them lol. it accomplishes nothing

Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man

@Old Man

Okay, I think I may have got the PM problem fixed. Guess now I'll just sit back and wait for the tons of fan mail to come pouring in. First autograph is free, but I charge five bucks for every signature after that.

LogicFTW's picture
Where is my autograph??

Where is my autograph??

How come I did not know about free autographs until now? I demand answers!


isobel's picture
lol theres actually only 2

lol theres actually only 2 students in my class. the other student should be here someday lol. we were supposed to start yesterday

isobel's picture
oh no not at all. the point

oh no not at all. the point is to understand other world views and not just ask teachers and parents wut atheists believe

chimp3's picture
I think you will find a

I think you will find a diversity of worldviews amongst atheists. When we don't have believers to argue witn we usually argue amongst ourselves.

isobel's picture
so i see. thats just another

so i see. thats just another positive of this project! not that i didnt understand different views btw atheists before lol. everyone's different. i used to talk to atheists and agnostics and Buddhists and all different types at my old job, and i made some good friends!

Arcturus Alexander's picture
I won't to post this here as

I won't to post this here as well for the teacher

Arcturus Alexander's picture
Jeremiah 17:10 ESV

Jeremiah 17:10 ESV
“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
My friends, I am not an Atheist. But I have learned allot for this group of people. I've learned that they only think with logic, and tangible evidence, science, 1s and 2s and a^+b^=c^. God speaks to the heart, not the minds of men. God revels Himself to the open heart.
My mind has questions and things I don't understand but in my heart I know God is real, I know God is here with me. I knew in my heart God was there before I knew God. Its because that's were God likes to be, in my heart and we're all called to our maker, its hard to see sometimes though because we use to much "up here"(mind) and not enough "down here"(heart). Honestly if I'm being truthful I love Jehovah with all my heart. In my heart I know He's always there, always a friend in the dark places. Always with me. I would die without Him. I thank You O Lord. Blessed be Your Name is Holly. God is Good. Ask God for wisdom my friends and guidance, please open your hearts. These are my last words on this platform unless God calls me back. Keep it real y'all. peace out.

David Killens's picture
What a freaking coward. And

What a freaking coward. And doing too much preaching. Oh well, one more drive-by comes and goes.


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