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Cognostic's picture
LOL LIke Sheldon, My
Sheldon's picture
"LOL LIke Sheldon, My
dogalmighty's picture
God...the great improbability
Tin-Man's picture
In Spirit's picture
Lemons come in many shapes
David Killens's picture
dogalmighty's picture
arakish's picture
Testicles? rmfr
dogalmighty's picture
Ha ha
dogalmighty's picture
Sheldon's picture
doG "Question:
xenoview's picture
Word salad
Sheldon's picture
What objective evidence can
David Killens's picture
I once turned wine and pizza
Sheldon's picture
Taxi drivers can very fickle
Craybelieves's picture
arakish's picture
@ catholicray
David Killens's picture
I have to respect your
arakish's picture
I also admit to respecting
David Killens's picture
lol I did not want to
Sheldon's picture
Sheldon "Do you believe bread
xenoview's picture
chimp3's picture
Never ceases to amaze me how
Sheldon's picture
"Never ceases to amaze me how
Sky Pilot's picture
There was once a character
dogalmighty's picture
terraphon's picture
But you said they ALL ate the
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
@ catholicray
Sheldon's picture
No concise accurate


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