Inconceivable God

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TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
what is the universe

what is the universe contingent upon?

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
To the writer of the orginal

To the writer of the orginal post:

I think that you as a former Christian are extremely lucky that your Christian parents even sat with you to discuss this. I'm not sure if you ultimately want them to "convert" to your way of thinking, but that's not what Atheism is about. It's about thinking for youself. You should see the beautiful silver lining in your story. They not only listened to you but they started to think. Regardless if they disagree with you or not, They sound like nice level headed people who grew up in less progressive times. I'd say be patient and remember that their indoctrination might be more deeply rooted than yours given their time on this planet vs yours.

Welcome to the AR and I'm happy that your transition has been (judging from your post) a graceful one.

PS - Their experience is their own JUST as much as your experience is your own. That's a two way street.

Nyarlathotep's picture
JazzTheist - In fact

JazzTheist - Every contingent thing has a cause.

JazzTheist - In fact everything is contingent.

Well from what you have told us: god is contingent; god must have a cause. Or in the language you've been using: your prime mover, needs a prime prime mover (and a prime prime prime mover, and so on).

Randomhero1982's picture
OPTIMUS PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!

OPTIMUS PRIME!!!!!!!!!!!

Nyarlathotep's picture

maybe OPTIMUS PRIME PRIME... I wonder if he has a trailer that appears out of nowhere as well.

toto974's picture
Decepticons! Mobilization!

Decepticons! Mobilization!

JazzTheist's picture
My bad. Everything *in the

My bad. Everything *in the universe* is contingent.

arakish's picture
Prove it. rmfr

JazzTheist: "My bad. Everything *in the universe* is contingent."

Prove it.


David Killens's picture


"God is so outside of our capability to understand him, you can't expect God to fit into our human system of logic."

Ask them "then why do you claim that jesus died for our sins?"

This is a cop-out.

Theists make many claims that they know the nature of their god, that it is loving, eternal, all-powerful, yadda yadda yadda. Only when faced with the tough questions such as "why do children suffer cancer?" do they do the cop-out and plead "we don't know the nature of god".

Next time when faced with such a slimy evasive tactic, point out to them that they claim to know the nature of their god. Don't let them off the hook.

Somehow they seem to have figured out that jesus died for our sins, a conclusion that could not be arrived at if they did not know the nature of their god.

arakish's picture
Optimus Maximus Primus

Optimus Maximus Primus Supremus?


Tin-Man's picture
The Very Very First and

The Very Very First and Foremost Numero Uno Initial Alpha Optimus Maximus Primeus Prime Initiator Mover Supreme Before ALL Other Initial Prime Movers To Negative Infinity....... Thing.

arakish's picture
Always remember: What ain't

Always remember: What ain't contingent, ain't.


Great hope's picture
Watch "Why Are There Orderly


Randomhero1982's picture
Yes, it's bollocks.

Yes, it's bollocks.

David Killens's picture
Yes, I have a thought.

Yes, I have a thought.


arakish's picture
I have another thought:

I have another thought:

((((Utter^∞)^∞)^∞)^∞)... Bollocks.


P.S. — @ Random; I know, Well played, not off to Time Out with me...

Cognostic's picture
I second that ((((Utter^∞)^∞

I second that ((((Utter^∞)^∞)^∞)^∞)... Bollocks.

Why is this guy allowed to hang around?


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