Inconceivable God

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arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "''Religion is
JazzTheist's picture
I used to think in the exact
arakish's picture
And the example you just
JazzTheist's picture
In my point of view, you seem
LogicFTW's picture
The bible makes sense to you?
JazzTheist's picture
From a theological viewpoint,
arakish's picture
@ JazzTheist
JazzTheist's picture
''If it did ANYTHING to
arakish's picture
The only thing flawed here is
JazzTheist's picture
You accused me of being a con
arakish's picture
JazzTheist (former atheist
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
There is a difference between
David Killens's picture
Cognostic's picture
Wow. Every single point is


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xenoview's picture
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
You can of course make a
JazzTheist's picture
The Kalam cosmological
arakish's picture
The only truth established by
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
JazzTheist's picture
Physics and cosmology fall
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
A first cause requires the
JazzTheist's picture
No no no. You don't
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I fully understand your
JazzTheist's picture
But you are still stuck in
arakish's picture
@ JazzTheist
LogicFTW's picture
Cognostic's picture
Oh sweethart, you get so
David Killens's picture
The "why" question. Hmm, I
Cognostic's picture
The Kalam 1. Does not get
JazzTheist's picture
Firstly, causality still


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