Inconceivable God

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Nyarlathotep's picture
JazzTheist - Firstly,
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Secondly, I have the right to
arakish's picture
Furthermore, quantum
Cognostic's picture
NO IT DOESN'T "causality
JazzTheist's picture
This is just pushing the
Cognostic's picture
Troll! This is so Old by
toto974's picture
Your argument can be
JazzTheist's picture
Translation: I deny this.
toto974's picture
Hum... No. What was the point
Cognostic's picture
No one needs to dismiss the
JazzTheist's picture
You have absolutely no
Cognostic's picture
There you go again. It's not
arakish's picture
JazzTheist: "You have
Cognostic's picture
Troll - more BS assertions
arakish's picture
A Theist's Logic For ALL
JazzTheist's picture
arakish's picture
Then prove these are straw
Randomhero1982's picture
Is it a straw-man, quite
JazzTheist's picture
Here's one. Existence. And
arakish's picture
Breezy (posing as JazzTheist)
Randomhero1982's picture
Oh dear, do I detect the foul
Cognostic's picture
No one has 'DENIED' anything.
JazzTheist's picture
You ARE denying things by
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
And yet, you still put fourth
David Killens's picture
Randomhero1982's picture
Elaborate on that, i would
JazzTheist's picture
Existence itself needs a
Randomhero1982's picture
Why does it need a source?
JazzTheist's picture
''Why does it need a source?'
arakish's picture
@ Breezy (posing as


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