Infinite Existence

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Devans99's picture
Infinite Existence

[removed by moderator, read it here]

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Devans99's picture
BTW If God exists, he is
dogalmighty's picture
Missed that on your first
Tin-Man's picture
...*hands holding both sides
dogalmighty's picture
This is just too funny...LOL.
dogalmighty's picture
"Hi folks… Infinite existence
terraphon's picture
Based on your criteria, this
Devans99's picture
So if you except that
Sheldon's picture
Jesus wept Dan, it's accept
terraphon's picture
First, accept, not except.
Devans99's picture
Well for being or entity we
terraphon's picture
"Well for being or entity we
Devans99's picture
Your deterioration in
David Killens's picture
terraphon's picture
You're adorable...
dogalmighty's picture


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Sheldon's picture
Brilliant, if I thought any
Randomhero1982's picture
Yes, that is perfectly


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Sheldon's picture
"Hi folks… Infinite existence
Devans99's picture
Interesting. Which version of
Tin-Man's picture
Re: "At a high level and
Sky Pilot's picture
Devans99's picture
New star formation takes
Sky Pilot's picture
Craybelieves's picture
Sheldon's picture
There is no such thing as pre
Up To My Neck's picture
Uhh, what just happened? I
Sheldon's picture
"Uhh, what just happened? I
Cognostic's picture
Devans99's picture
You did not read it properly
Randomhero1982's picture
You cannot possibly postulate


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