Interview an atheist

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traveler guy's picture
Thanks for your time. This is

Thanks for your time. This is for an apologetics class I am taking at a Christian Bible College.
1. Origin-- How do you think life came into existence?
2. Purpose-- Is there any ultimate meaning to life?
3. Morality--How can we know what is good and evil?
4. Destiny--What do you think happens when we die?

If you can give your insight into these four questions I would greatly appreciate it. Just here to listen.

Sky Pilot's picture


"1. Origin-- How do you think life came into existence?"

We came from trees.

4. Destiny--What do you think happens when we die?
Our dead bodies keep the sun moving.

Sky Pilot's picture


"1. Origin-- How do you think life came into existence?"

This sounds reasonable, don't you agree?

"Once upon a time, there was no time and that was when there also was no gods and no man walked the surface of the land. But there was the sea, and where the sea met the land, a mare was born, white and made of sea-foam. And her name was Eiocha.

Creation continues on. From an oak tree that grew in the land there sprouted a plant. This is where Eiocha gave birth to the first god Cernunnos. Cernunnos mated with Eioch and begot more gods; however, the gods felt lonely because they did not have anyone to command or to worship them, so from the wood of the oak tree they created the first man and woman, as well as other animals. Giants, too, are born from the bark of a tree that Eiocha hurled into the water."

traveler guy's picture
Thanks for your time. This is

Thanks for your time. This is for an apologetics class I am taking at a Christian Bible College.
1. Origin-- How do you think life came into existence?
2. Purpose-- Is there any ultimate meaning to life?
3. Morality--How can we know what is good and evil?
4. Destiny--What do you think happens when we die?

If you can give your insight into these four questions I would greatly appreciate it. Just here to listen.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Anon

@ Anon

1. Origin-- How do you think life came into existence?

I have no idea. I am too busy living to concern myself. I am sure a scientist will one day win a Nobel Prize by answering that one.

2. Purpose-- Is there any ultimate meaning to life?

Live, be happy, make others as happy and as content as you can. Try not to waste a minute of this life.

3. Morality--How can we know what is good and evil?

It is a human societal instinct and largely dependent on the group survival. It evolves with society, e.g slavery is now considered evil, it is bad for the well being of humanity...latest studies bear this out. Morality is evolutionary.

4. Destiny--What do you think happens when we die?

Depends on who is charge of your body...nah, seriously ultimately our atoms will recycle and become a part of something else.

Bob Lawson's picture


I am curious, what is the paper's required length?

Also, if you only listen, but do not engage, how will you know if your arguments withstand criticism? When you are at school your discussions mostly occur in an echo chamber, that is you really only hear from those who most likely already agree with you on the question of atheism. In a real world situation, where all opinions are presented, your criticisms of atheism might not stand up. The only way you can know is to test the waters. What better way to do that than to engage with us, unless you have been advised not to do that?

On the matter of question #3, my views have recently been changing. I have listened a great deal to Jordan Peterson, and at the risk of raising the ire of my fellow atheists, I am going to suggest that religion, specifically Judaeo-Christian religion, might be necessary to sustain moral behavior in the long term; however, you may have to leave your shark cage and engage with us if that is something you wish to discus.

#4 Destiny. As with many atheists it is my assumption that when we die the game is up. Life and existence is for us, forever, at an end. I should mention, however, that I do have atheists in my family who are themselves very open to the possibility of ghosts. So, surprisingly, some atheists do believe in an afterlife, they just don't believe in God.

traveler guy's picture
Did you see my list of four

Did you see my list of four questions?

Grinseed's picture
Yes anonymous questions

Yes anonymous questions sighted. Thank you. Answers on the way.

arakish's picture
@ anonymous

@ anonymous

First of all would you be an agnostic or atheist?

Both. Here is why, and I am all four by the way.

  • Agnostic – This means nothing more than "without knowledge." I am agnostic in there are many things I do not know. Thus, I am without that knowledge, thus agnostic. I cannot put this any simpler.
  • Atheist – If translated literally, this means "without god." However, in today's terminology, atheism actually means "a lack of or disbelief in any claims of any deity."
  • Anti-theist – This one, in my definition, means exactly as it says; anti- = "against," theist = "belief in one god." Or better, "against belief in any deity." I prefer this definition over yours because it still does not require the "burden of proof" on my part. Just because I am against the belief in any deity, does not mean I to prove it. Very similar to the atheism definition.
  • Anti-religionist – This one is exactly as it says: "against religion." Again, the "burden of proof" is not mine to prove why I am against religion.

Clear enough?

Question 1 How do you think life came into existence?

I got bored one day, planted a seed, then boom!, all these crazy bags of mostly water have proliferated all over the Earth.

Question 2 Is there any ultimate meaning to life?

Nope. Life is life. Nothing more, nothing less. You are born, you eat and drink, you urinate and deficate, you reproduce, then you die.

Q 3 & 4?


EDIT: corrected misspelling

arakish's picture
Replying to this post to keep

Replying to this post to keep answers 3 & 4 with it.

3. Morality--How can we know what is good and evil?

Just as Tin-Man does. I flip a coin.

4. Destiny--What do you think happens when we die?

Nothing. Your constituent components simply get recycled.


Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Just as Tin

@Arakish Re: "Just as Tin-Man does. I flip a coin."

Hey! You too?... *big smile*.... *fist bump*... But, uh, just between you and me, though, I cheat... *looking around to make sure nobody else is listening*... *talking in a whisper*.... don't tell anybody, but i use a two-headed coin.... shhhhhh... *finger to lips*....

David Killens's picture
FYI "anonymous", just asking

FYI "anonymous", just asking four questions is very restrictive and will never allow you to reach an understanding of atheism. I consider your questions as "loaded" in order to lead to a biased conclusion.

A question that favors a particular response is an example of a biased question. Biased questions favor one answer compared to another and may make certain assumptions that lead the respondent in a particular direction without considering other alternatives.

arakish's picture
@ David

@ David

You now know why I answer such questions with a biased and baited answer.


David Killens's picture
Arakish, in my few months

Arakish, in my few months here I have learned a lot. In such wonderful company, and even exposed to duplicitous theists, the journey of learning and growing has become very stimulating and invigorating.

We have seen this dog-and-pony act before, children being trained as apologetics. Which really begs the question, "why"? When I was a practicing theist, I was aware of atheists, but didn't give a crap. I was too busy getting my jollies and comfort from some invisible thingy in the sky. So why would a student be sent to investigate atheists? They should be hunched over their books and learning different ways to suck up to their deity.

Learning about atheists and their arguments should not have any impact on any practicing theist. But we know the answer, atheism is the biggest challenge organized religion has faced. Their leaders know that they do not even have enough job skills to mop a McDonalds, and they must now use children in the fight to retain their posh lifestyle. It is the next crusade, a holy war on critical thinking, the truth, and rational thinking.

Please kiddies, we have run out of excuses and arguments, go forth and find something, please in the name of jesus, save us from ourselves. Find just one good argument to support our faith ( and the payments on my Mercedes).

Anonymous, if you read this, please explain why you are here. I understand you were told to do so in your school course. But why? Why would your school send you here to learn something completely disconnected from your faith? What benefit is it to your theistic education?

Far Canal's picture
I am anti theist and atheist.

I am anti theist and atheist.

Life came into existence through abiogenesis.

There is no ultimate meaning to life.

Grinseed's picture
@ anonymous

@ anonymous

1. Origin-- How do you think life came into existence?

I dont know. No-one does. I do not believe it was created by a supernatural entity outside time and space, whatever that means. However the scientific method suggests that forces described by chemistry and physics produced 'life' by means of abiogenesis, possible on a planet like Earth that provided the basic elements, a planet sized cauldron for the purpose, heat, static electricity and lots of time, two or more billion years. The interesting discovery is that once started, once the mechanism for replication of DNA and RNA started it was a swift and irreversible process. More than that, it happened, and only had to happen once, as it did, evidenced by the natural world around us, despite the odds drummed up by creationists.

2. Purpose-- Is there any ultimate meaning to life?

No. If there was, as contended by christians, why would their god wait the better part of 14 billion years of geological time and 300 million years of homo sapien history, to introduce the idea just a few thousand years ago to a remote bunch of Greek thinkers and even more remote ignorant sheep-herding desert dwellers.

Only you can create meaning and purpose in your life and this can include all that is required to be anything between a christian or an atheist.

3. Morality--How can we know what is good and evil?

Always a good question. The theist intention behind it is that, without god, we can not, by ourselves, distinguish between good and evil. If that is true, then how do you know, and I mean KNOW, not believe, but know, that god is not evil? He has told lies, half-truths, carried out vengeful genocide, more than once, and tortured and killed the innocent for the supposed evils of others. Its all documented in the bible which was written by a self-appointed priesthood with a malignantly twisted appreciation of jurisprudence.

Morality is always subjective. Its been argued that it is an evolutionary trait and in blunt terms of co-operative survival of the community, I do agree, but I think its less Darwinian than it is a Lamarckian mechanism. You dont inherit the muscles of your workout dad, but you will most likely adopt and adapt his views on what is right or wrong or at least from the community around you. You think you could embrace christian morality if you had been born a Muslim?

Would it be right, or moral, to kill someone for working on the Sabbath as demanded by objective Mosaic Law? What if he was supporting a terminally ill family member and needed the extra resources only that work could provide to care for the stricken member?
Could you kill an old woman cat owner herbalist on suspicion she was a witch? "Do not suffer a witch to live." It still goes on today. The description fitted my mother in her last years. She was no witch.

4. Destiny--What do you think happens when we die?

When we die, we cease to exist. Psalm 146:4. Being dead is not so scary. I accept Mark Twain's view on death. I am only concerned about the timing and circumstances of my passing; peaceful and quiet would be best.
The christian afterlife, and eternal reward and punishment, were theoretical concepts that were only being worked out by Greeks and Jewish priests and philosophers at the same time Jesus supposedly lived. Philo of Alexandria, born before and died after Jesus (whom he never met or knew, despite writing a detailed history about Pontius Pilate), theorised important aspects of the afterlife, which were later adopted by the early christian church. So suddenly sometime after 40 AD heaven and hell apparently became 'real' places, because men, men, wrote that it was so.
Hell comes later in a more violent age in history.

OK. So do let us know your appraisal of our answers and how your teacher marks your report.

traveler guy's picture
Grinseed, thanks for taking

Grinseed, thanks for taking the time to give me your honest opinions. It took me forever to find an atheist who would take our conversation seriously. I got a lot of sarcasm and fake answers.

Question 1. Your answer seems like a lot of hypothesis. You at least admitted that you didn't know. Could you take a moment and think through what you are saying? You believe that everything came from nothing and chance. What started the Big Bang? Where did those first molecules come from? That is like saying your microwave was put together when you blew up a milk jug with a bunch of firecrackers. You say that possibly a planet like earth provided all the needed elements but you fail to mention how that planet like earth came into existence. So we are left guessing and cannot find any logical explanation to our existence.

Question 2 I really appreciate your honesty. You admit that as an atheist you have no purpose in life. That is the natural outcome of evolution and atheism. Your answer provided a logical fallacy though when you stated, "why would their god wait the better part of 14 billion years of geological time and 300 million years of homo sapien history, to introduce the idea just a few thousand years ago to a remote bunch of Greek thinkers and even more remote ignorant sheep-herding desert dwellers." Christians would believe in a young earth, which according to the Bible narrative God revealed himself to the very first humans not thousands of years after their existence.

Question 3 You said that morality is subjective. Then you ask loaded questions such as would it more moral to kill a witch etc. Why would you care, if morality is subjective? If somebody gets the urge to do it, it's moral for that person to do it. Right? So you gave a moot point.

Question 4 Your mention of Psalms 146:4 refers to the body returning to the earth. Mathew 25:46 would be one of many verses that confirms life after death. The christian afterlife was not some man-made invention but something believed and taught from the very beginning of time. Daniel 12:2 talks of eternal punishment way before Philo of Alexandria. So you are wrong to state that the teaching of Hell suddenly became a doctrine around 40AD that is historically inaccurate.

So that is just a short appraisal of your answers. A lot of misinformation and logical fallacies. Would love to hear what you have to say. I hope I get a good grade on this assignment, thanks for your help.

Tin-Man's picture
@Anonymous Re: Your reply to

@Anonymous Re: Your reply to Grinseed's answers

Oh, lawdy!... This should be fun... (Hope you don't mind, Grinseed. I simply couldn't resist this...)

Re: "You say that possibly a planet like earth provided all the needed elements but you fail to mention how that planet like earth came into existence. So we are left guessing and cannot find any logical explanation to our existence."

Do they teach reading comprehension at your college? Or, perhaps, they just teach "selective reading comprehension" at your college. Grinseed answered your question.... HONESTLY. Just like I did, he said, "I don't know." Like it or not, that IS a valid answer. And as far as how the Earth formed, perhaps you should go read an eighth grade science book. Personally, I am no Astrophysicist, but even I could give a basic explanation on the formation of planets. If that is not good enough for you, however, then I venture a guess there are numerous internet sites dedicated to that very subject. As for "left guessing and cannot find any logical explanation to our existence", who in the blue blazes ever said "logic" ever had anything to do with our existence? We are here. Period. And many, many brilliant men and women are working very hard on trying to determine exactly how the whole thing started. What's God got to do with it?

Re: "You admit that as an atheist you have no purpose in life."

You no read so very good, do you? That is NOT what Grinseed said. He said (paraphrasing) there is no overall general/specific purpose in life in regards to the human race as a whole. It is up to each individual person to determine a "purpose" for his/her own life. I happen to agree with him wholeheartedly. Personally, I have plenty of "purpose" in my life. Matter of fact, my life has been immeasurably FULLER ever since the day I finally broke free from the shackles of religion. Each and every day is a treasure to enjoy, because we are never guaranteed tomorrow. Therefore, I make the absolute most that I can out of each and every day I get. Ain't too complicated.

Re: "Christians would believe in a young earth..."

Which sect, exactly? There are only a few thousand, and not all of them hold the same beliefs as your particular "faith". Matter of fact, many other Christians out there would even laugh in your face at making such a claim. Soooooo..... (???)

Re: "...would it more moral to kill a witch etc. Why would you care, if morality is subjective?"

Do you believe witches are real? If your god told you to go out and kill all witches (which, by the way, is exactly what he COMMANDS you to do in your precious bible), would you strike the match and light the fire? If not, then you are obviously not a true Christian. Personally, if your god (or anybody else, for that matter) were to ever tell me to set fire to another human being because that individual was determined to be a witch, I would tell that god to go fuck itself. I would give that same response to being ordered to bash babies against rocks, kill my own child, own people as slaves, and a long list of other such atrocities the god in your bible commanded/condones. However, you being the true and faithful Christian that you are would probably be overjoyed at being asked to do those things in the name of your lord, right? You see, unlike you, I (and other atheists) do right and good because it makes us feel good and it is beneficial to society as a whole. And we do so without the promise of some "eternal reward" and without the fear of some threat of "eternal punishment".

Re: "...something believed and taught from the very beginning of time."

Hmmmm.... I think I will just allow that statement to speak for itself... *chuckle*...

Re: " I hope I get a good grade on this assignment..."

Hate to break it to you, but about the only way you will get a good grade on this assignment is if you LIE YOUR ASS OFF to your instructor. Because the way I see it, based on your responses I just addressed, you are about to get your ass handed to you on a silver platter. The funny part is, you may think my response is "harsh". Nope. I'm actually being gentle. Others on here, however, may not be as nice as I have been. Toodles.... *smooch*...

Grinseed's picture
@ Tin,

@ Tin,

Thanks big fella for filling in for me. Real life had a few demands I needed to attend to. For future reference, I certainly don't mind you answering queries on my behalf. Most of what you post I wish I had posted myself. You covered points I did not have time for and I am happy to note you pointed out the comprehension issue, big problem there with anonymous. And above all else I couldn't deny you the pleasure of mixing it up with a new squeaky toy. I know you enjoyed yourself.

Sky Pilot's picture


"Grinseed, thanks for taking the time to give me your honest opinions. It took me forever to find an atheist who would take our conversation seriously. I got a lot of sarcasm and fake answers."

How many times did Moses have to lug the stone tablets up and down the mountain on an empty stomach and without any water? I'm sure that you are having an easier time than he had.

When the Jesus character spoke about the tree of life was he expressing an original thought or was he referring to a religious fairy tale from another ethnic group?

When did the Jesus character get the name "Jesus"?

When were the 14 books of the Apocrypha deleted from the Bible?

Grinseed's picture
@ anonymous

@ anonymous

Question 1.
I admitted I didnt know how life began because I dont know. Honesty is always the best policy.
As far as the hypotheses go, you make them sound like a bad thing. Scientific hypotheses and theories are the best expressions of truth and reality, based as they are on research and experimentation. Am I to understand you believe you already have the answers to everything because of your understanding of mythological tales and unsubstantiated stories of the bible? One book?

I am a little offended that without knowing anything about me, you automatically decided that I havent already thought things through after having spent more than sixty years considering and appreciating my life and the events in it. Is that because you have compartmentalised me as "an atheist" and you feel you already know all my weakenesses? You are revealing a lot of the hubris and arrogance I have learned to expect from fundamentalist theists.

Not to worry. Give yourself more time and broaden the scope of your education. You have obviously yet to realise that knowledge and wisdom have just as much to do about things you have yet to learn as things you think you already understand.

Specifically and of more urgent need, you need to spend more time on comprehension and reading skills. You claiming to have read things I have not written, but that just might be a little of your biased judgement. I made no mention of the Big Bang or astrophysics, or particle physics, and never intended to explain any of those things, I only sought to answer your exceedingly limited simple questions at your request. However what I have studied on just these three subjects could not be adequately presented in the detail to do them justice, here on a small forum such as this and I suspect it would not be of any use to you and would probably outlast your attention span.

I will though challenge your ignorant canard that I supposedly believe everything came from nothing and chance, the theists' favourite and false sticking points against science that they do not understand. I suggest you not use that terrible microwave/milk jug/firecrackers analogy again. We are not left guessing how stupid it makes you look.

Question 2.

Comprehension and reading skills, please! I did not admit my life has no purpose. I have lived a rich, meaningful and rewarding life that has been full of value. It is a gross and impudent accusation. I will spare you the details, more because your low demeanour prevents me from 'casting pearls before the swine'. Familiar with that line?
Your fatuous declaration about evolution and atheism broadcasts your total ignorance on both counts. You realise that neither evolution or atheism have anything to do with the other? There are prominent evolutionary scientists who are devout christians and I personally know atheists who flatly denounce evolution. And it might be a surprise for you to learn that not all christians are young earth creationists, so no, my question wasnt a logical fallacy, but your response was a desperate side step to avoid answering my question which was largely rhetorical anyway.

Question 3.

Why would I care? Because despite your preconceived bias, I, even as an 'accursed' atheist, am still human. I possess empathy and sympathy and morality, intelligence and a sense of fair play, without having to defer feebly to an imaginary god. I have the strength of character to know I do not need a god to tell me or threaten me that murder, plundering, raping, stealing or lying is wrong. I have heard many theists boast they would become ardent lawbreaking criminals without their god's objective laws to lean on. They dont know themselves and I can not believe them.
"If somebody gets the urge to do it, it's moral for that person to do it. Right?"
No, absolutely not, what tremendous lies do they teach you in that college about atheists? Consider the morals of christian clergy of all denominations all over the world, recently and humiliatingly exposed and convicted in courts of law for raping children in their care. Each and every church was guilty in covering up these damn awful crimes. Objective morals served no purpose nor saved the children from their urges. So much for the timeless unchanging laws of a loving god.
The rank hypocrisy of your charge against non beleivers beggars understanding.
To beleive all morality is subjective is not to deny morality. Like the legal systems in most western countries, I do not apply judgement to anyone or any event, without considering all aspects of evidence. To do otherwise is symtomatic of a barbarous code.
Daniel talks of the Hebrew concepts of eternal punishment but the early christian church adopted a formalised rigid blueprint for the horrors of an afterlife in hell for perceived crimes of puny mortal humans against an all powerful omnipotent deity. Such merciful justice . It was definitely a human invention. Hell or more correctly Hades, is not mentioned in the OT. It is part of the Pauline version of christianity, along with the concept of the Antichrist, and it was all invoked to induce fear and promote subverviance amongst backsliders. Its not inaccurate, its evidenced history.

And thats my short appraisal of your responses. A lot of arrogance, ignorance, intolerance, unwarranted judgementalism and of course a dearth of reading and comprehension skills. You must read carefully and avoid attacking claims not made.
I understand now that I was led into a trap with plaintive pleas to help with your precious assignment. I answered your limited simple questions, honestly as you at least noted and was then subjected to insults to my humanity morality and intelligence. I feel used and abused.
Good luck with your grade. Even if its good, it cant be your finest achievement.

David Killens's picture


" You believe that everything came from nothing and chance."

Grinseed did not state that everything came from nothing by nothing and chance. Grinseed gave the answer any honest person should, "we do not know". And it was not chance that formed what happened after the rapid expansion, it was the laws of physics.

"What started the Big Bang?"

I suggest you read this paper, it offers an explanation more sane and reasonable than the cookie-cutter explanation of 'god did it".

"Where did those first molecules come from?"

I am not going to offer a detailed explanation, but the initial state of our known universe was heat, which is energy. In the first few fractions of a second, that energy evolved into different forms of energy, and later some of it transformed into basic elements of hydrogen and helium. The process has been extensively examined and explained by the scientific community.

"You say that possibly a planet like earth provided all the needed elements but you fail to mention how that planet like earth came into existence."

My goodness, your ignorance is appalling. That too has been exhaustively examined and explained by the scientific community. If you desire, such members like myself and arakish (of course, if he is willing) can offer a detailed insight because both of us are interested in the sun and planets. Personally, I sit in on a planetary scientist stream on a near-daily basis, my knowledge is not to the level of a formally trained planetary scientist, but much more than the average person. I do know how this earth came into existence, and can offer a detailed explanation. But for now, unless you open a thread examining this topic, you are not worth the time.

Your responses are unimaginative and come from the canned apologist's playbook, something I have seen multiple times, and witness shredded multiple times.

Bob Lawson's picture


Question 1. On the origin of the universe, it seems to me whether you are on the religion side of the question or the atheist side, makes little difference: we are both hypothesizing something from nothing. There are two possibilities: supernatural origin or natural origin. If you start with the God Hypothesis, then the deity must create something from nothing. How did He do it? Your supernatural explanation, does not provide the answer. I have learned from past encounters that Christians don't like the assumption that God created matter through magic. If not by magic, then how? If you assert God created matter from nothing by natural means, then you have arrived at the same conclusion as the atheists. If God can trigger the appearance of matter through natural means, then perhaps matter can appear naturally without God?

There is one further problem you must contend with: where did God come from? You want to claim that God is the First Cause, but you ignore the equally important question: what caused God?

PS. You did not ask about Earth's origin and so no one spoke to that question. Earth is far easier to explain than the origin of matter in the universe and science does have a pretty good handle on how planets form. As of this month (Feb 2019) there have been 3,976 planets discovered in 2,971 star systems (Wikipedia: Exoplanet). Yes, most of these planets are gas giants as we simply don't have the technology to observe Earth sized worlds, but that day is coming and when it arrives you might have to rethink a few of your biblical assumptions.

David Killens's picture
@Bob L

@Bob L

"If you start with the God Hypothesis, then the deity must create something from nothing. How did He do it? Your supernatural explanation, does not provide the answer. I have learned from past encounters that Christians don't like the assumption that God created matter through magic. If not by magic, then how?"

This is always humorous. Science explains phenomena. For example, I can explain every process on how electricity makes a light bulb shine, from how electricity is created by moving something through magnetic lines to how electrons flow down a wire.

But the god explanation is , "god did it". But exactly how does god read minds? Does god use some form of electromagnetism to do it? What generates those electromagnetic waves how does it work, how much power does it consume, and what collects and interprets them? Specifically what does god do to make a flood?

The answer is always the same, there is no explanation, it reverts to "magic".

Sheldon's picture
I thought you were here to

I thought you were here to listen, now you appear to have already made up your mind and your questions are meaningless.

anonymous "So we are left guessing and cannot find any logical explanation to our existence."

Precisely correct, welcome to reality.

" You admit that as an atheist you have no purpose in life. "

Not what he said at all, you asked if life had a purpose, not if a person attached purpose to their life, they're not remotely the same thing.

anonymous "Christians would believe in a young earth, which according to the Bible narrative God revealed himself to the very first humans not thousands of years after their existence."

Who cares about the unevidenced claims of archaic bronze age superstitions, it's risible nonsense. The age of the universe is approximately 13.8 billion years, and all living things evolved, and those are objective facts.

anonymous "You said that morality is subjective. Then you ask loaded questions such as would it more moral to kill a witch etc. Why would you care, if morality is subjective? If somebody gets the urge to do it, it's moral for that person to do it. Right? So you gave a moot point."

You have dishonestly ignored the question, he asked you if you thought it was moral to kill a witch, why are you too scared and dishonest to answer this?

anonymous "Mathew 25:46 would be one of many verses that confirms life after death. "

A made up claim assigned to a made up author, please demonstrate some objective evidence that any living thing can survive it's own physical death in any meaningful way? Subjective anecdotal claims, biblical claims included, are not evidence.

"So that is just a short appraisal of your answers. A lot of misinformation and logical fallacies. "

What logical fallacies, you didn't actually cite any?

"Your answer provided a logical fallacy though when you stated, "why would their god wait the better part of 14 billion years of geological time and 300 million years of homo sapien history, to introduce the idea just a few thousand years ago to a remote bunch of Greek thinkers and even more remote ignorant sheep-herding desert dwellers."

See you made a claim his answer contained a logical fallacy, what logical fallacy, you never actually cited one, you just went on to make an unevidenced claim for the risible creation myth in your religion?

You know that known logical fallacies have names don't you? Like the argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy you have used several times, by trying to assert something based on an appeal to or argument from ignorance. For instance the way you ask how life originated, and then when atheists have answered we donlt know tried to assert this validates unevidenced creationist myths.

Bob Lawson's picture
"You admit that as an atheist

"You admit that as an atheist you have no purpose in life." (Anonymous)


"Not what he said at all, you asked if life had a purpose, not if a person attached purpose to their life, they're not remotely the same thing."

Bang-on Sheldon! I'd noticed that gaff Anonymous made.

Anonymous, Christians frequently make what I think is a mistake when it comes to placing value on life. They often assert that their lives would seem meaningless without God. Perhaps you are in an emotional frame of mind where you think only God gives your life meaning, but at sixteen when I lost belief in God my life did not suddenly grow empty. Like most atheists I don't place any supernatural purpose to human existence, yet life holds meaning nonetheless; and I hate to break it to you, but God is only one of the meanings individuals sometimes attach to life.

CyberLN's picture
anonymous, if your report

anonymous, if your report said you thought that the atheists you interviewed had reasonable answers, how do you think your teacher would grade it?

Bob Lawson's picture


"anonymous, if your report said you thought that the atheists you interviewed had reasonable answers, how do you think your teacher would grade it?"

Anonymous wrote, "This is for an apologetics class..." I think the intention is to see how atheists respond to his four questions, report on the answers, and then provide rebuttals. I am sure Anonymous thinks we are lost souls. He has been very clear that he does not wish to engage in conversation with us. I don't know if he is wary of entering into dialogue or if he has been warned against chatting with us by his instructor?

CyberLN's picture
Yes, Bob, I saw what s/he

Yes, Bob, I saw what s/he wrote. It’s just some food for thought for the OP.

Cognostic's picture
3. Morality--How can we know

3. Morality--How can we know what is good and evil?
4. Destiny--What do you think happens when we die?

3. Morality is a biological construct for our species.
Clan communities need rules, division of labor. Who eats first. Who hunts for wild game and who picks berries. Who does the cooking. What do we do with the sick. Who raises the children. Rules are based on what is good for the clan's survival. The strong take care of the weak by hunting and protecting. The weak take care of the strong when the strong are sick or injured. Human beings are social animals and so they make social rules.

As the complexity of human groups increases so does the need for rules and moral behavior.. Tribes can not have people stealing from one another. One man does not want another raping his wife or daughter. To get along in a community there must be rules.

What happens to people who do not follow the rules? They do not get the opportunity to breed. They are at the very least banished from the tribe or at the most executed. Those without moral behavior are not tolerated.

We see the very same thing happening in the word today. Murderers, Rapists, Child molesters, Bank Robbers, and those who violate societies moral codes are sent away to prisons or killed. Morality is a natural outgrowth of the culture in which it is found.

It is a human beings ability to bond, to live together, to create moral codes that allows it to survive. =======================================================
4. We know what happens when we die.
We die. Our bodies rot. We end.
If you are telling yourself anything else you are doing so without evidence or support/


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