Ireland has legalised same-sex marriage

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ThePragmatic's picture
Ireland has legalised same-sex marriage

"Some 62% of the Irish Republic’s electorate voted in favour of gay marriage. The result means that a republic once dominated by the Catholic church ignored the instructions of its cardinals and bishops. The huge Yes vote marks another milestone in Ireland’s journey towards a more liberal, secular society."

I had no idea there was such a shift in Ireland defying the Catholic Church.
Fantastic news.

The Irish are Walking Away From Religion

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Pitar's picture
The religions will be the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Bill Maher always said that
Travis Hedglin's picture
I remember when I was a young
Pitar's picture
Things change. Ireland has
ThePragmatic's picture
Wow, you are really
SLPerry917's picture
Like you say, maybe there is
Mitch's picture
Do you have Irish heritage,
kel basav's picture
I say kudos to Ireland! I now
SLPerry917's picture
Very true, and should you
Travis Hedglin's picture
CyberLN's picture
Well, that was fascinating.

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