Islam allows the Murdering of people because of what they said.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Islam allows the Murdering of people because of what they said.

Pakistani Christian Woman’s Appeal of Death Sentence Is Rejected


This is one of the few reasons why I think those country's governments should be brought down, by force if necessary.

A religion that allows such bad laws to even be thought of is evil in nature.
Moderates Islamist should work hard to change those laws else they are just as bad as them since they are supporting a religion that promotes such behavior.

Can you be an Honest Islamist and not admit that the source of this evil is Islam itself?

"You shalt not take the name of thy Allah in vain, but only under the penalty of death or if being persecuted by an Infidel!"

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yea i think I am with you
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The problem with that is that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
What i was trying to tel you
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
greg, you are not
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Can you send me a link to
maryam's picture
You always speaks about
mysticrose's picture
The religions has nothing to
maryam's picture
watchman's picture
maryam ...
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Emphasis on MAN-made, it was
Ume hani's picture
Islam is portrayed as a
CyberLN's picture
"Allah Almighty states
Ume hani's picture
It should be clear, then,
CyberLN's picture
"It should be clear, then,
Ume hani's picture
for example.. you and your
CyberLN's picture
I find all religions
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
so if in my eyes you are
Ume hani's picture
in islam every sin has
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
See where the problem lies.
Ume hani's picture
you asking if we have shame..
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yes, your arrogance does not
Ume hani's picture
oh really..?? where were yuh
maryam's picture
No One is Arrogant here.
maryam's picture
Ellie Harris's picture
Unreliable ways to find truth
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"You people are blaming JUST
DeanLaw's picture
Here is the woman Jeff is

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