It might be easier to find evidence of Satan than of God.

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Flatland's picture
It might be easier to find evidence of Satan than of God.

Would you like to be provided evidence of evil?

And would it make you believe in the existence of a god?

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ronald bertram's picture
Morality is a product of
Flatland's picture
I mean evil in the sense of
ronald bertram's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Flatland: RE: " I mean evil
Flatland's picture
I have a way for you to prove
ronald bertram's picture
Flatland's picture
How kind of you.
ronald bertram's picture
Flatland's picture
You don't need to believe
David Killens's picture
@ Flatland
Flatland's picture
You'd have to do some
Cognostic's picture
@FLATLAND: Ouigi bord in
Whitefire13's picture
The Debbil got his ass handed
LogicFTW's picture
*busts outs the popcorn*
Flatland's picture
You didn't even need my
David Killens's picture
@ Nogba
ronald bertram's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Cognostic's picture
@LogicFTW: Popcorn? Aw
LogicFTW's picture
Well, this may come as a
Tin-Man's picture
...*bursting into room*...
Flatland's picture
How did it work out?
David Killens's picture
Still waiting for my ride.
ronald bertram's picture
@Flatland See my post above.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Is it numpty week in Lala
Whitefire13's picture
...I was wearing a cross... I
In Spirit's picture
boomer47's picture
ronald bertram's picture
boomer47's picture
"On the back of my farm, far


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