It might be easier to find evidence of Satan than of God.

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ronald bertram's picture


Thank you for the welcome. I put value on civility. I wish our President did. Lol.

Hey. I am not directing my comments at you or Sheldon and I enjoy the forum. I am glad I found it.

But why do so many posters seem to have a "chip on their shoulder"? That kind of behavior sends a signal. A signal that there is either bitterness, insecurity or some other weakness in the philosophy that the board represents.

Tin-Man's picture
@BR Re: "Hey. I am not

@BR Re: "Hey. I am not directing my comments at you or Sheldon..."

Say what? You mean I am NOT obnoxiously juvenile?... *shaking head in disappointment*... Dammit... Looks like I'm gonna have to up my game a bit.... *weary sigh*... lol...

Well, I managed to avoid the frying pan, and the yard work is done for the day. As for the possible "chips on shoulders" around here, I would say those who might have them are fairly entitled to them considering what we have learned about each other over the months/years. Even so, I do see your point about how it might appear to those not privy to such information. Nevertheless, most all those "chips" are quite stable, and they typically do not get too disturbed without good cause. Just my opinion and observations.

Thing is, if you hang around long enough (and I hope you do), you - like most of the regulars here - will start recognizing the M.O. of characters such as Flatland and his ilk. It almost becomes instinctive. Personally, I am all for a good honest discussion with somebody, even if I do not agree with their views/opinions. Much can be learned by both parties. But with guys like Flatland, any attempt at honest/mutual discussion is mostly futile. Can't speak for others, but at that point I consider that individual fair game and regard them as a fun chew toy until I get bored with them. Has nothing to do with bitterness or insecurity on my part. I am exceedingly comfortable and confident in my views/position. After all, there is nothing for me to "defend"... *chuckle*... Basically, I'm just here for the cookies, the learning, and the fun. Sadly, after two+ years on here, I have YET to get my damn cookie... *grumble*... Well, at least the fun and learning opportunities are in ample supply... *shrugging shoulders*...

ronald bertram's picture


Give me your address. I will see that you get some cookies. Lol.

Thanks for the humor.

Cognostic's picture


What is utterly amazing to me is the insight some farm animals seem to have. It's almost like they are human.

Flatland's picture
Sorry, I forgot to introduce

Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I broke my leg coming through the door.

I'm a 37 year old European male. I don't have a dog.

Yea, yea, I don't have proof for you of my god, but I believe my god is your god also. I'm not trying to be offensive saying such.

In my mind the idea of a god makes sense, but I'm still figuring it out and drawing closer to 'it'.

A creator of humanity, something taking responsibility for us. It sounds nice to me.


ronald bertram's picture


Thanks for the introduction. Friend, you are not alone. God makes sense to most humans.

Imagine a primitive tribe living on the banks of the Euphrates thousands of years before Christ.  Go back to the beginnings of civilization and then go back even further.  Imagine people living in clans.  Before there was formal language.   A member of the tribe dies.  Just because they are primitive primates doesn't mean their cognitive skills are impaired.  They must have mourned a member who died.  They must have yearned for their continued existence in the clan.  It follows that to satisfy their needs for that person, that they began to perform rituals such as burial.   No one wants hyenas eating a member of the clan so burial became ritual.  It is intuitive that these rituals evolved into more complex sacraments.  Eventually leading to a belief that they "went somewhere" where they could continue existence.

Take that beginning and add thousands and thousands of years of indoctrination.  Eventually you arrive at formal religions. It's a logical progression.

Flatland's picture
Ok, but so I'm the weirdo?

Ok, but so I'm the weirdo?

boomer47's picture


"Ok, but so I'm the weirdo?"

How on earth could I possibly know that? We've never met. Should you and I meet, it's likely you would think I'm a bit odd. Most people do .(I have what used to be called Asperger's syndrome)

So no, I don't think you are necessarily weird. I do I think some of your ideas are a bit out there. For a 37 year old, you do seem pretty gullible. Perhaps consider having a nice chat with a professional?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Flatland

@ Flatland

A creator of humanity, something taking responsibility for us. It sounds nice to me.

Eric the Rainbow Farting Chocolate Pooing Unicorn sounds nice to me.....but I ain't going to go round telling people about him living in my garage until I collect the first lot of Rainbow chocolates.

Flatland's picture
May you find them soon enough

May you find them soon enough.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Flatland

@ Flatland

"may you find them soon enough"

Sure, then I will have evidence as I shall also video Eric TRFU actually laying the chocolates! Then I will not have to convince anyone as they can come visit him and taste his chocolates!

Up until then, of course he just exists in my head and isn't real at all except to me.

boomer47's picture
@Old man shouts

@Old man shouts

"Eric the Rainbow Farting Chocolate Pooing Unicorn sounds nice to me.....

Now THAT triggers a memory and a desire. I've always wanted Bert the Farting Hippo like Abby on NCIS.

About 10 years ago,I asked a pleasant-looking lady at Toys R Us if they had Bert. . Fair dinkum, she went all chicken lipped**. They went bankrupt not long after that ,and I wasn't at all surprised.

A few years ago, I discovered Ebay .Recently I went looking for Bert. He is available from Hong Kong at a suspiciously low price. (currently $AU24 delivered) . So I went looking for reviews, plenty around, all warning not to buy Chinese Bert. Seems Fred's flatulence maker is a bit insipid. I guess that's about right . I learned at one point that Bert's wonderful farts on NCIS are a foley effect.

I'm sure a loud Bert can be had. Unfortunately for me, I only like Bert $50, delivered. . What can I say, I'm a tight arse.

** "but," I hear you say, "chickens don't have lips. ---Exactly.

Tin-Man's picture
@Flatland Re: "Sorry, I

@Flatland Re: "Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I broke my leg coming through the door."

Aw, shit! So sorry about that, Flat. Hold on a sec... *opening door*... *yelling down hallway*... Cog!... COG!!! Hey, asshole! Have you been leaving bear traps by the front door again?!? How many times we gotta tell you that Sasquach is NOT trying to hunt you down for mating purposes?... *closing door*... Hey, again, so sorry about that, Flat. We really try to keep an eye on Cog, but can be a sneaky little bastard sometimes.

Cognostic's picture
@Flatland: Well if you god

@Flatland: Well if you god is responsible for me, tell him to FUCK OFF! I should have been born happy and ignorant like the rest of the theists around this place. BUT NO! He had to go and give me a fucking working brain. SCREW YOUR GOD!

Sheldon's picture
Flatland "I don't have proof

Flatland "I don't have proof for you of my god"

In point of fact you cannot demonstrate a single shred of objective evidence for any deity, so that's a little disingenuous.

Flatland "I believe my god is your god also"

I don't have a deity, that's what being an atheist means. I also don't believe you have a god, nor will I until you can offer some objective evidence for it.

Flatland "In my mind the idea of a god makes sense"

No offence but this is not evident in your posts thus far, instead of offering yet another bare claim, why not offer the most cogent explanation of why you think this.

Flatland "A creator of humanity, something taking responsibility for us. It sounds nice to me."

Sorry but the fact you find archaic superstition appealing is pretty meaningless, indeed it even suggest an inherent bias on your part, to me.

boomer47's picture


"A creator of humanity, something taking responsibility for us. It sounds nice to me."

I can understand the attraction that has for people. Perhaps one reason religion is so pervasive.

The creation of the universe, including our planet, was an automatic process as far as anyone can tell. There was no design and no designer. There is no one to take responsibility .At least not that anyone has ever been able to prove.

I have no problem with the idea of the universe and creation as simply a reality. Not being responsible for my actions does not appeal to me.

Climate change is our responsibility, collectively and individually. Same goes for wars and most famines. The problem with food is not scarcity but distribution and our capitalist system-----,my opinion, but I welcome correction if i am factually wrong.

The many mistakes I have made and any harm or good I have done are my responsibility not a that of a god who may or may not exist. .

Flatland's picture
Treat it like a penis.

Treat it like a penis.

LogicFTW's picture


Treat it like a penis.


*checks pants*

*sigh of relief*

Cognostic's picture
Flatland" RE: "Treat it like

Flatland" RE: "Treat it like a penis?" I assume we are talking about your God. I could not agree more. Whip it out and play with it all you want when you are alone and in the privacy of your own garage. When you are in public, stuff it back in your pants, zip it shut, and leave it the fuck alone. No one wants to see your god waggling himself all about in public. In fact, there should probably be laws against such obscene acts and were I not a strong advocate of the First Amendment, I might support such a law. Unfortunately, your freedom is also my freedom and when I see your God waggling about in public, I will just tell it to FUCK OFF!

CyberLN's picture
Flatland, you wrote, “Treat

Flatland, you wrote, “Treat it like a penis.”

How is that? I’d bet we each treat penises differently. Additionally, we all likely treat each penis we happen to encounter differently.

relativetruth's picture
Are you saying, Flatland,

Are you saying, Flatland, that a god injected it's penis on to the universe and so created it?

Flatland's picture
Certainly that's what you

Certainly that's what you think. Certainly.

ronald bertram's picture
Flatland made the penis

Flatland made the penis comment as a reference to a post he responded to on another thread. I cannot find it now but I think it was a post by Old Man Shouts. If I can find it, I will post it here but Old Man Shouts said "treat it like a penis, hide it in public......."

Flatland needs to provide context for that post otherwise it looks irrational.

Edited to add. Here is where the penis comment came from. Quote from Old man shouts....


Anyone can believe what they want. Its when they dont treat it like a penis that it is offensive.

Dont take it out in public
Dont talk about to strangers
Dont show it to children or the vulnerable
Dont make memes of it and post on social media."

boomer47's picture
@Bright Raven

@Bright Raven

"Dont take it out in public
Dont talk about to strangers
Dont show it to children or the vulnerable
Dont make memes of it and post on social media."

Monty Python did it sooner and better in "The meaning of Life"

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cranky They did indeed.

@ Cranky
They did indeed.

Whitefire13's picture
Ugh ... reposting.

Ugh ... reposting.

Thought I’d post a spell from my own collection - bwahhh haaaahaaaaaa. I got tired of waiting.

I have unicorn and fairy spells too ... really.


Attach Image/Video?: 

Sheldon's picture
"Anyone can believe what they

"Anyone can believe what they want. Its when they dont treat it like a penis that it is offensive.

Dont take it out in public
Dont talk about to strangers
Dont show it to children or the vulnerable
Dont make memes of it and post on social media."

Can I beat the shit out of it, and wash it as fast as I like?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon

@ Sheldon

"Can I beat the shit out of it, and wash it as fast as I like?"

You can do what you like with it in private, it is your penis.

algebe's picture
@Flatland: I mean evil in the

@Flatland: I mean evil in the sense of hostile spirits.

I saw evil hostile spirits when I visited Rome a couple of years ago. They were flitting around in black, red, and white costumes and wearing various fancy hats and jewelry.

At the height of their power they used to torture and kill people with iron and fire. Nowadays their powers have been much reduced, but they still manage to do irreparable harm to little children.

Any "hostile spirits" in this world reside in the twisted and violent minds of certain human beings, especially those perverted by religions. They aren't supernatural, just unnatural.

Flatland's picture
You shared your cookie with

You shared your cookie with them?


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