Is it worth debating with Religion?

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PunKing's picture
Is it worth debating with Religion?

I'm having quite a difficult time lately debating with others over the whole religion topic in general. Last night I had quite a discussion over the existence of the Christian god. It continued for quite some time about how its Ironic that Atheist's celebrate Christmas, which is kinda funny since most traditions in Christmas are from paegans an not actually christian background. But, after every point I seemed to deliver they just ignored it and tried to advance to a different point, which I always rebutted. It seems out of all the people I've discussed with, no one really listened to the points and facts being provided, beside the other two debating on my side. One which being a Atheist and other being a Buddhist. So I'm wondering if its even worth the time to debate with these people?

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Zaphod's picture
While tiring at times i do
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
well put zaphod
ImFree's picture
The obstinacy that stems from
PunKing's picture
I mean I wasn't expecting
CyberLN's picture
Often it's because they are
PunKing's picture
Like they would basically
PunKing's picture
They just listed off another
ImFree's picture
It can be frustrating, they
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
yea start
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
sometimes in a conversation i
ImFree's picture
That is one of my favorite
hermitdoc's picture
One thing to remember is that
Spewer's picture
This, exactly. Let go of the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
yea god is watching(zuut) and
Travis Hedglin's picture
A religion? No, not really.
Johnny Moronic's picture
In order to debate with a

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