Jawbone discovery pushes birth of humanity back by 400000 years

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ImFree's picture
Jawbone discovery pushes birth of humanity back by 400000 years

A fragment of jaw bone dating back 2.8 million years is evidence that the first humans evolved more than 400,000 years earlier than previously thought, scientists reported Wednesday.


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cmallen's picture
Thanks, that site also led to
Nyarlathotep's picture
Clearly Satan traveled back
ThePragmatic's picture
This will be a dark century
ImFree's picture
Every time scientists make a
Mountainman's picture
I love how advances in the
cmallen's picture
Every time a fossil is found,
mysticrose's picture
That was really an amazing
bluesky's picture
How did they concluded it is
JAlexG's picture
It's actually 2.4 million
bluesky's picture
I am new in this field. If
maberl's picture
WOW!!! now to debunk the
D_Trimijopulos's picture
The fact that along with
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Thanks ImFree,
bluesky's picture
Thank you Dimtrios. I ckecked
D_Trimijopulos's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
In the link i provided it
science's picture
This is what I mean by
bluesky's picture
Yes, they tried to compensate
bluesky's picture
Nowdays we use the word
CyberLN's picture
"we can not measure, observe,
Mitch's picture
So your argument, in summary,
ThePragmatic's picture
bluesky's picture
Mitch, thanks for your
Mitch's picture
Your equating Creationisim,
ThePragmatic's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Nice informative post
laween's picture
science's picture
What I've never understood,
truthseeker17's picture
Out of curiosity, what is the
Travis Hedglin's picture
From the little anthropology


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