Jesus Christ

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Izzy01's picture
Jesus Christ

It's so sad how so many people don't believe in there creater Jesus Christ, but than yet they talk bad about him and he's believers why? If he's not real. Why is there so much hate against him? Because you used to believe in him and he didn't do something you asked for so u just hate him now? There is so much badness in this world do to Satan and he's using people like you to do he's works! The Lord loves you and is waiting for you to come to him! Right now that you are alive because the day you die and you realize he was real it will be to late! Some of you might say well why do you post on here if you believe? It would be pointless to post some were, where there is only believers, Jesus said what's the point of a healthy person to go see a doctor if he's healthy sick people go see the doctor that's why I have come to save the sinners and un believers! Jesus is waiting for YOU!!

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watchman's picture
Chris McDearman's picture
"but there is no Jesus
brian crawford's picture
the bible is pretty clear on
mykcob4's picture
ImFree's picture
Brian are you guilty of any
mykcob4's picture
Chris McDearman's picture
Actually I did prove god.
mykcob4's picture
You NEVER in your wildest
Chris McDearman's picture
I took no leap of faith. I
ThePragmatic's picture
@ RadicalWhiggery
CyberLN's picture
Izzy, I don't hate your god.
chimp3's picture
Izzy: Your Jesus is a myth. I
bigbill's picture
hia Izzy: I was a confessing
bigbill's picture
I also feel that a person or
Izzy01's picture
Well this website is for any
MCDennis's picture
I agree, there is No evidence
ImFree's picture
“And you guys keep saying
Nyarlathotep's picture
If you say there is no God
algebe's picture
@Nyarlathotep "I've seen the
Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh you guys got planets and
algebe's picture
This is what the world really


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Nyarlathotep's picture
algebe's picture
Somebody put a disagree on my
chimp3's picture
Everyone knows that Jesus
ThePragmatic's picture
I actually mentioned to my
algebe's picture
That reminds me of how


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Alembé's picture
No, no, no!
algebe's picture
The Southern Cross, Christ's
Alembé's picture
So, did that lady down there
algebe's picture
I think she hitched a ride on


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