Jesus Christ

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Izzy01's picture
Jesus Christ

It's so sad how so many people don't believe in there creater Jesus Christ, but than yet they talk bad about him and he's believers why? If he's not real. Why is there so much hate against him? Because you used to believe in him and he didn't do something you asked for so u just hate him now? There is so much badness in this world do to Satan and he's using people like you to do he's works! The Lord loves you and is waiting for you to come to him! Right now that you are alive because the day you die and you realize he was real it will be to late! Some of you might say well why do you post on here if you believe? It would be pointless to post some were, where there is only believers, Jesus said what's the point of a healthy person to go see a doctor if he's healthy sick people go see the doctor that's why I have come to save the sinners and un believers! Jesus is waiting for YOU!!

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watchman's picture


"Because you used to believe in him and he didn't do something you asked for so u just hate him now? "

So much little intelligence....

I am a life long Atheist..... born of Atheist parents ....who in turn were born of Atheist parents...and my children are sorry to burst your bubble ...but there was no unanswered tragic disappointment ....just lots and lots of research ,reading and reasoning....

Now I don't expect you to believe me,,,, but there is no Jesus waiting for anyone.....there is no Satan...there is no Yahweh ,no god /gods of any sort....

If you believe otherwise...then I'm very much afraid you are going to have to produce some evidence....

Chris McDearman's picture
"but there is no Jesus

"but there is no Jesus waiting for anyone.....there is no Satan...there is no Yahweh ,no god /gods of any sort...."
There's no evidence for Jesus or Yahweh, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. To say so would be an argument from ignorance.

brian crawford's picture
the bible is pretty clear on

the bible is pretty clear on this not to mention common sense tells you god is revealed through nature. nothing gets here by its self unless you can name something that created itself ?

mykcob4's picture

It has been proven that things come from nothing all the time. The bible isn't clear about anything and it isn't proof of anything. It's nothing but hearsay and allegory. No god is revealed by nature. You can't prove a god.

ImFree's picture
Brian are you guilty of any

Brian are you guilty of any of these traits?:

10 – You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.
9 – You feel insulted and “dehumanized” when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.
8 – You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.
7 – Your face turns purple when you hear of the “atrocities” attributed to Allah, but you don’t even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in “Exodus” and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in “Joshua” including women, children, and trees!
6 – You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.
5 – You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.
4 – You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs — though excluding those in all rival sects – will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering.  And yet consider your religion the most “tolerant” and “loving.”
3 – While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in “tongues” may be all the evidence you need to “prove” Christianity.
2 – You define 0.01% as a “high success rate” when it comes to answered prayers.  You consider that to be evidence that prayer works.  And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.
1 – You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history – but still call yourself a Christian.

mykcob4's picture

FUCK OFF! No one hates your god. We don't HATE what we don't believe in. BTW we don't believe in satan either!
What I hate are fucking idiots forcing your bullshit on everyone. You idiots haven't ever PROVEN your god. So don't come to an atheist forum and proselytize. You aren't here to "save sinners"! You are here to stir up trouble and being a condescending asshole!

Chris McDearman's picture
Actually I did prove god.

Actually I did prove god. Sooooo this is awkward.

mykcob4's picture
You NEVER in your wildest

You NEVER in your wildest dreams proved a god. What you did Radical is submit a line of bullshit full of holes and took a leap of faith to a predetermined outcome. Try again junior!

Chris McDearman's picture
I took no leap of faith. I

I took no leap of faith. I employed a logical argument that you choose to deny. There are no holes.

ThePragmatic's picture
@ RadicalWhiggery

@ RadicalWhiggery

I have no wish to insult, but claiming you proved your god is a ridiculous claim. An argument is just that, an argument.
If you actually proved god, like hundreds of thousands of other people also have claimed to have done, you should submit your proof for peer review. If it holds up, you will be very famous.

CyberLN's picture
Izzy, I don't hate your god.

Izzy, I don't hate your god. Your god is merely your imagination. You have no evidence to offer that your god even exists. I do, however, hate having your god inserted into my life, my government, my grandchildren's schools.

chimp3's picture
Izzy: Your Jesus is a myth. I

Izzy: Your Jesus is a myth. I agree with cyberlyn. If you want your imaginary savior, by all means rejoice . Keep this between you and your church. Do not put your Jesus in the schools and government that I pay taxes to.

bigbill's picture
hia Izzy: I was a confessing

hia Izzy: I was a confessing Christian at one time in my long life, But I became agnostic do to the fact that IO read the noble laureate. Bertrand Russell in his book the essay Why I am not a Christian, So in that book he points out the defects in Christ character And one important thing that takes away from excellence according to Bertrand Russell is that Jesus believed in hell, ever lasting torment. I can`t accept that teaching nor can I support a churches that do.I`m more better off being agnostic.

bigbill's picture
I also feel that a person or

I also feel that a person or persons that espouse the belief in hell or purgatory, doesn`t have any kindness in them.Also Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet who believed in his return in the not so distant future, Since this never came about I don`t think that what Jesus said is credible.

Izzy01's picture
Well this website is for any

Well this website is for any one so I can talk and post about whatever I want! And you guys keep saying evidence so what's your evidence that he's not real? If you say there is no God than there is no moon there is no planets why? Just because NASA says there is but have you seen it with your own eyes? No! Also why do u guys get so mad and hurt about my post he's fake right? And all I know is that maybe just maybe I can change someone's mind before it's to late! And my only proof to you is that no man in this world could of made humans the earth nature storms water ex..... No scientist! Only our Creator! And you say O why is there a he'll let me tell you that God doesn't throw people into hell he has gave us free will so you decide if you do good or bad! He created us we didn't create him! It is what it is! I come in peace trying to share the gospel to you! But if you don't have nothing nice to say about something "fake" why even comment why tell me bad words? God Bless

MCDennis's picture
I agree, there is No evidence

I agree, there is No evidence that whatever god or gods you believe in are not real. Cool, there is no evidence that Ra, Apollo, Thor, Isis, unicorns, bigfoot or munchkins don't exist. So Izzy, do you believe in one god or in all god claims. In other words, do you believe any and all god claims that are not disproven?

ImFree's picture
“And you guys keep saying

“And you guys keep saying evidence so what's your evidence that he's not real?”

Izzy, your the one making the supernatural claim. The burden of proof is on you.

We are trying to save you from wasting a substantial portion of your life in terms of time and money for nothing.

Nyarlathotep's picture
If you say there is no God

Izzy - If you say there is no God than there is no moon there is no planets why? Just because NASA says there is but have you seen it with your own eyes?

For what it is worth: I don't know about you, but I've seen the moon and at least some of the planets with my own eyes. This is what religion has done to your brain.

algebe's picture
@Nyarlathotep "I've seen the

@Nyarlathotep "I've seen the moon"

Yes. We see it here in Australia and New Zealand, too. And the Sun. I've also seen several planets and Halley's Comet through different telescopes in different places and times. I also saw a meteor enter the atmosphere and explode over Christchurch, New Zealand. NASA representatives were not present on any of these occasions. Nor was god.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Oh you guys got planets and

Oh you guys got planets and the moon and that other stuff down there now too? I'd say you guys are coming up in the world but since you're on the bottom you can't do that! :P

algebe's picture
This is what the world really

This is what the world really looks like.


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Nyarlathotep's picture


algebe's picture
Somebody put a disagree on my

Somebody put a disagree on my corrected map of the world. That's just hemispherism.

chimp3's picture
Everyone knows that Jesus

Everyone knows that Jesus ascended into heaven fron Jerusalem. That way is up. The antipodes of Jerusalem is off the the New Zealand coast in the South Pacific. You are definitely down.

ThePragmatic's picture
I actually mentioned to my

@ Algebe

A while back, I mentioned to my wife how I read an article about how people sometimes turn the world map upside down to illustrate that there is no "correct way" for up or down on the map.
She responeded without thinking, and the conversation went something like:
- "But that doesn't make any sense, that would just make North down instead of up."
- "Exactly, because North is just a direction towards the North Pole, there is no right side up for the planet."
- "Of course there is."
- "Compared to what?"
...a long pause...

She realized she had based that assumption on the mere fact that maps were displayed with North up and nothing more.

algebe's picture
That reminds me of how

That reminds me of how medieval world maps were often centered on Jerusalem.


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Alembé's picture
No, no, no!

No, no, no!

North has to be up so that the North Pole is below the North Star ;-)

algebe's picture
The Southern Cross, Christ's

The Southern Cross, Christ's biggest neon sign and possibly the only non-pagan constellation, points straight at the South Pole, indicating that south is the way to heaven.

Alembé's picture
So, did that lady down there

So, did that lady down there ever finish "buying (that) stairway to heaven?"

algebe's picture
I think she hitched a ride on

I think she hitched a ride on some kind of metallic airship.

There is a lot of buying of heaven going on, though. American millionaires and billionaires have been buying up New Zealand real estate and seeking New Zealand citizenship since the Trumpolution. The South Island of New Zealand is supposedly the safest place in the world in the event of a nuclear holocaust.


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