Just a Christian with some honest questions

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MsStaciF's picture
Chuck Rogers's picture
I wonder how much you have
Chuck Rogers's picture
The post above is to MsStaciF
MsStaciF's picture
Chuck Rogers,
Chuck Rogers's picture
The one's that God gives
MsStaciF's picture
So you are the absolute
CyberLN's picture
As a chocolate ice cream
Zaphod's picture
That to me sounds much worse
Chuck Rogers's picture
Chuck Rogers's picture
(When in my post) B:)
MsStaciF's picture
You said The Bible can ONLY
Chuck Rogers's picture
Right, God's design, God's
MsStaciF's picture
You haven't answered a single
Chuck Rogers's picture
I have answered, you just don
maryam's picture
Hey Chuck Rogers
Chuck Rogers's picture
Sorry you have it wrong. God
Lmale's picture
Dont you see the trinity is
Chuck Rogers's picture
His truth is His word.
maryam's picture
God the Father, God the son..
Nyarlathotep's picture
MsStaciF - "I have seen
CyberLN's picture
Hey, chuckster, is your gawd
Chuck Rogers's picture
Of course.
CyberLN's picture
If your gawd is omnipotent,
Chuck Rogers's picture
Doesn't make sense.
CyberLN's picture
How does the question not
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
actually he successfully did
maryam's picture
Chuck Rogers's picture
I never said God can do
Rasfisher's picture
Hi Jeff
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
There is nothing to prove


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