Just a Christian with some honest questions

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
zfor is an other hypocrite
maryam's picture
Yes, the Quran and the Bible
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you have to give credit, to
maryam's picture
First of all the link
nvardan's picture
A lot of books haven't
Lmale's picture
Id advise talking to gregpek
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I am not that interested in
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Why in the world do mooslims
Lmale's picture
Does not take much to prevent
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
They brainwashed and see a
maryam's picture
Lmale's picture
The quran itself is a
maryam's picture
We are not Brainwashed...
Lmale's picture
I truly believe if we somehow
Lmale's picture
I truly believe if we somehow
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
Maryam, I highly doubt you
maryam's picture
First of all I am not at all
Vulmec's picture
The problem here is that to
Vulmec's picture
maryam's picture
maryam's picture
Go through this link and look
CyberLN's picture
Maryam, even if I were to
maryam's picture
Cyber LM
CyberLN's picture
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast
maryam's picture
Cyber LN
maryam's picture
The verses which you quoted
CyberLN's picture
Does your reply address the
maryam's picture
Cyber LN you can read it..
Mythlover's picture
Hi Zfoor! You seem like quite
Mythlover's picture
Sorry, I forgot to include


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