just a discussion

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rotiferuk's picture
1) The high probability of a
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Well may I just ask... why
aeirihannah's picture
What is your valid
rotiferuk's picture
Well anything is possible and
Travis Hedglin's picture
The utter and complete lack
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
@ thetruth1120
aeirihannah's picture
It depends on the bible of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You did not answer my
Johnny Moronic's picture
"Do you not believe in
Nyarlathotep's picture
thetruth1120 -" there is
aeirihannah's picture
The same is to say if a=b and
Nyarlathotep's picture
Just tell us the probability
Travis Hedglin's picture
If a=b and b=c then a=c.
Nyarlathotep's picture
thetruth1120 - "This concept
aeirihannah's picture
Where did it come from then
ImFree's picture
Interesting video I would
aeirihannah's picture
This is a great video.
Nyarlathotep's picture
laws against murder existed
aeirihannah's picture
Some culture allowed murder
ImFree's picture
Code of Hammurabi is one
aeirihannah's picture
On example of what exactly?
ImFree's picture
Laws written prior to the ten
aeirihannah's picture
I don't expect to change
ThePragmatic's picture
No, you are the underdog,
ImFree's picture
"one KIND can turn into
science's picture
Atheists believe in truth
aeirihannah's picture
aeirihannah's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Please, take your time to
Mitch's picture
Truth1120, you need to talk


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