just a discussion

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rotiferuk's picture
1) I do not "believe" in
aeirihannah's picture
I do believe science holds
rotiferuk's picture
1) Form life decisions based
ThePragmatic's picture
CyberLN's picture
"how can anyone believe in
Pitar's picture
The Bible is a lot of things
aeirihannah's picture
Also if atheist don't believe
rotiferuk's picture
The day and month names have
aeirihannah's picture
Pagan is a belief system...
rotiferuk's picture
1) Yes, paganism is a belief
ThePragmatic's picture
Pitar's picture
I think you're taking bits
aeirihannah's picture
Also the figment of day and
rotiferuk's picture
1) Governments formulate laws
ThePragmatic's picture
aeirihannah's picture
This government was built off
rotiferuk's picture
1) The people who founded
aeirihannah's picture
But laws were formed through
rotiferuk's picture
1) No - http://www
aeirihannah's picture
I never said atheist or
rotiferuk's picture
From the second link I
ThePragmatic's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
thetruth1120 - "Do you
aeirihannah's picture
As we're you... there is
Nyarlathotep's picture
thetruth1120 - "there is
aeirihannah's picture
No one said you can't ask for
Travis Hedglin's picture
"do you not believe in
aeirihannah's picture
Well may I just ask... why do
rotiferuk's picture
There is a very high
aeirihannah's picture
there is also a very high


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