The Kalam Cosmological Argument

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Shock of God's picture
Your assertion that I have
ThePragmatic's picture
Your assertion that
Shock of God's picture
To turn my statement back
ThePragmatic's picture
Yes! Exactly. I did that to
Shock of God's picture
But I had not committed a red
ThePragmatic's picture
Perhaps you are right, in
Shock of God's picture
"If that did explain all your
ThePragmatic's picture
I like this one to...
Shock of God's picture
If Harry Potter does not
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Still nuthin'...
PsychoSarah's picture
But if there was a god, then
Shock of God's picture
Read the article once more
Zaphod's picture
But if it is there must be a
brajendraprasad's picture
So everything need not have a
Shock of God's picture
The argument does not state
ThePragmatic's picture
You neglected to answer
brajendraprasad's picture
A beginning is not a "cause"
Zaphod's picture
I agree, airtight argument!
PsychoSarah's picture
Then could it not be that a
PsychoSarah's picture
Also, why could not the
PsychoSarah's picture
What makes god so special
Shock of God's picture
The answers to all of your
Zaphod's picture
The Universe as we know it
brajendraprasad's picture
That's like saying, "Read the
Shock of God's picture
If I misrepresented both of
PsychoSarah's picture
You seem to think that
Shock of God's picture
In the article, I show why an
Zaphod's picture
That's a leap to say the
Zaphod's picture
Since you choose the lion as


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