Let's discuss the Bible

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jonthecatholic's picture
There's a line that goes,
Lisa Williams's picture
@JontheCatholic Your argument
jonthecatholic's picture
I was going to give an answer
Lisa Williams's picture
@JontheCatholic Please do
jonthecatholic's picture
Okay then.
Lisa Williams's picture
jonthecatholic's picture
That’s true that the Bible
chimp3's picture
Jon the Catholic: "When you
Sky Pilot's picture
The purpose of the
Keith Raye's picture
Burn Your Bible's picture
awesome point!!!
t00muchmike's picture
If one was to follow every
Burn Your Bible's picture
@jon the catholic
jonthecatholic's picture
I don't recall saying any of
Burn Your Bible's picture
Oh and in case you actually
RedleT's picture
If God's all powerful, then
Lisa Williams's picture
@DumbOx That wouldn't make
RedleT's picture
@ Lisa
Lisa Williams's picture
@Dumb Ox
Burn Your Bible's picture
@dumb ox
algebe's picture
I found a great quote about
SunDog's picture
Sounds gnostic to me.
watchman's picture
@ Lisa Williams....
Lisa Williams's picture
watchman's picture
RedleT's picture
Eastern Rite Catholics
chimp3's picture
The idea that the Biblical
jonthecatholic's picture
Actually it seems unlikely
Burn Your Bible's picture
I fully agree!!! totally
chimp3's picture
Jon the Catholic:"Actually it


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