Lets rewind

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jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
Lets rewind

Lets hit pause and rewind things a little bit. I can see that i have made a grave mistake in my approach so I'll have to take a difderent one. You see, i am a theist. Unfortunately in my day to day life, i dont come across many atheists to discuss what i believe to be a matter of great importance, namely the existence of my God. I have always wondered, truly, what goes on inside the mind of a non-believer, what leads them to disbelief, if you will. It has been one of my greatest ambitions to accrue enough knowledge to be able to convince atheists of their mistaken position. So i joined this atheist community so that i could gain better understanding of my target group's points of view. I thought i could take their arguments, present my own, and then that would be enough, the atheist would see things my way and poof, no more atheist. Admittedly, that was naive of me. In the few topics I've commented on, I've already been ridiculed, laughed at and have probably done absolutely nothing in terms of achieving my goal.

But now i realize why. I'm over here trying to discuss the merits of a book which the atheist places no stock in. Trying to convince them that its the word of a God that they dont even believe in to begin with. That was foolish on my part.

Now though I'd like to try something different. I'd like to convince any who are willing to be challenged, that God is real and that he does exist. For this to happen, you must have an open mind. Leave your preconceived notions and biases aside and simply humor me.
Nooo dont worry, I'm not going to ask you to pray, i am simply going to appeal to your own logic and your own understanding. As i said before, you must have an open mind and you must leave your biases aside.

Of course, i cant promise that i can convince every one of the atheists in this community or that my reasoning and logic will work for everone. Certainly there will be some who will scoff at even the idea of a theist who thinks they can convince them that they're wrong. And, i expect there will be some who simply cannot abondon their set ideas and beliefs about God, or a lack thereof, and will not be willing to play along.

Now, given all of that, i can promise the following.
If you allow me the benefit of the doubt and you humor me and you come onto this discussion with an open mind and a willingness to discover truth, it WILL be revealed.

Now let me be clear, if you are willing to come on this mini journey of sorts with me, it may challenge everything you believe in and shake the very foundations of your beliefs themselves. But if you really want truth, this shouldnt bother you.

To any who wish to take up this challenge i say to you what i said to a certain Jeff on another discussion:

A creator exists. This much i know and can logically and philosophically prove.

So to any and all atheists who would like to take part in such a discussion, comment below.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"To any who wish to take up
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Yes, I take your challenge
mysticrose's picture
There might be a god but not
Capt.Bobfm's picture
O.K. What's your proof ?
Travis Hedglin's picture
Will you go with the
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
Well before we touch on any
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Bring it on, usually it is
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
Im glad you've brought this
Spewer's picture
"I've found that what most
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
well said spewer
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
"Atheist just lacks belief in
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Sounds a LITTLE different to
Travis Hedglin's picture
Fair enough, let us discuss
watchman's picture
jimmysins ....
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
Well really there are only a
Travis Hedglin's picture
I will make three points on
That's A Fallacy's picture
You, Jimmy, have just used a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Truth is something we try to
CyberLN's picture
1 + 1 = 2 is only true within
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
1+1=2 is true in ALL contexts
CyberLN's picture
You are wrong on this one
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
Why dont you educate me then,
CyberLN's picture
Nope. I won't.
Travis Hedglin's picture
In binary, 1+1=10.
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
I disagree. Do not quantum
Nyarlathotep's picture
No matter what you read in
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
My first step was to make
Nyarlathotep's picture
I like to think there is some
jimmyslns@yahoo.com's picture
I'll give some examples;
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Hmm, you are making some


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