On Logical Impossibilities

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Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm curious to hear what you
Peripatetic's picture
"If logical impossibilities
Nyarlathotep's picture
Peripatetic - i honestly can
RedleT's picture
To clarify, Christians
xenoview's picture
Dumb Ox
RedleT's picture
Because He did. Keep in mind
xenoview's picture
Here we go again with the
Peripatetic's picture
i told you before, that could
xenoview's picture
Are you scare of god having a
Sky Pilot's picture
Peripatetic's picture
you would make a god salafist
RedleT's picture
What if A isn't a positive
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dumb Ox - What if A isn't a
RedleT's picture
I guess it is somewhat vague
xenoview's picture
It comes down to two things,
MCDennis's picture
word salad and complete
Peripatetic's picture
i would say the same about
Randomhero1982's picture
The paradoxes are used
Peripatetic's picture
"Unlimited implies there
RedleT's picture
"If this is the case then the
xenoview's picture
Why did god ask where Adam
RedleT's picture
Maybe he wanted them to be
xenoview's picture
Maybe your just afraid to say
Peripatetic's picture
prove the implication, i do
xenoview's picture
If god had to call out to
Peripatetic's picture
that's exactly what i need
Randomhero1982's picture
I've never claimed to be
Randomhero1982's picture
So... he creates them and
Peripatetic's picture
yeah it's logical, if your
Randomhero1982's picture
Bloody hell, how many logical


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