Lot righteous,Bible considering homosexuality a bigger sin than rape

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Hamilton John's picture
Lot righteous,Bible considering homosexuality a bigger sin than rape

He said he’ll give away his daughters, because those men were about to be indulged in homosexuality, a sin hated by God, as is all sins. And nowhere is it mentioned that “Lot did actually give his daughters away”. That statement was his way of expressing what a terrible sin they were about to indulge in. What's your opinion on this

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CyberLN's picture
My opinion? It is a great

My opinion? It is a great indicator of who was where on the human value scale then and there. Unfortunately, a few thousand years later, it hasn't changed dramatically in many parts of the world.

Nutmeg's picture
Should have charged for them.

Should have charged for them.

Seriously, most religions have a poor grasp of morality. That's not their purpose, it's always been about crowd control.

Anser's picture
To put it in perspective one

To put it in perspective one needs to realize that the Hebrews were a tribe that wished to expand their influence. Homosexuality would not increase their numbers, "straight" sex, even rape would. This meme is continued today in the Catholic Church. Less kids, less Catholics, less tithes, less influence.

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