My life is in direct defiance of God.

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That's A Fallacy's picture
You, , have just used a
cmallen's picture
One more thing, yes you are
Valiya's picture
That's only an assertion,
cmallen's picture
I thought I reasonably
Valiya's picture
Did i simply say that the
cmallen's picture
Well thank you for seeing
Valiya's picture
Good arguments cmallen…
cmallen's picture
Yes, that is quite clear. I
Valiya's picture
First of all thank you for
cmallen's picture
I don't think one can rule
Valiya's picture
Good argument Camallen
cmallen's picture
Kata, I'm glad you're here.
Valiya's picture
As its weekend here and I am
Valiya's picture
It was richard dawkins who
Nyarlathotep's picture
Valiya - "What do you think
cmallen's picture
Thank you for stating that Dr
Valiya's picture
I was replying to some
cmallen's picture
Not one single person in this
Nyarlathotep's picture
Valiya - "the addition of 300
Valiya's picture
Man... i can't believe it...
cmallen's picture
Valiya's picture
there you have just proven it
cmallen's picture
I didn't say I place any
Valiya's picture
Sorry Cmallen... as I am
cmallen's picture
dfkdjfeirekjd is no more or
Valiya's picture
cmallen's picture
Please see my reply to your
Valiya's picture
I don't know what you are
Nyarlathotep's picture
Valiya - "Man... i can't
Valiya's picture
Ah, yes I remember... a


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