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Sheldon's picture
Not one word was written
Sheldon's picture
"So partial manuscripts don't
Neel Skelton's picture
Begging the question again,
Sheldon's picture
You don't know what begging
mickron88's picture
neel be like...blah blah blah


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Sheldon's picture
"The first thing I would say
Neel Skelton's picture
Thanks for the well thought
Sheldon's picture
"Thanks for the well thought
Neel Skelton's picture
What about the existence of
Sheldon's picture
"What about the existence of
Neel Skelton's picture
"They're not 'historical
Nyarlathotep's picture
Neel Skelton - You claim that
CyberLN's picture
I wonder if these are the
Neel Skelton's picture
I may have inferred too much
Sheldon's picture
I quite specifically said I
mickron88's picture
you're skeptic on our end
Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon, you do see that you
mickron88's picture
"I am not here to argue or
David Killens's picture
If you desire to discuss the
Neel Skelton's picture
I don’t wish to discuss that
CyberLN's picture
Of course everyone has a
Mithridates's picture
This is an area where the
Neel Skelton's picture
I think this is a very
mykcob4's picture
@Neel, as proven over and
Sheldon's picture
Are you saying humans can't
algebe's picture
@Neel Skelton: "public
Mithridates's picture
Who said majorities were
Neel Skelton's picture
@cyberln I can agree with
CyberLN's picture
Neel, you wrote, “ I was
Neel Skelton's picture
Thanks for clarifying! I must


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