Need support/ back up for a debate I'm about to have with a friend.

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Sir Random's picture
Need support/ back up for a debate I'm about to have with a friend.

A friend of mine, a Christan , should be on here soon. I am requesting anyone who is willing to tack part in the discussion/ debate to do so. It will be ocuring on this forum.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
hmm I am at work but I think

hmm I am at work but I think I can answer a few questions.

Just avoid the page long compositions.

chimp3's picture
Yes , but please keep the

Yes , but please keep the assertions concise and separate to avoid the shot gun effect. Thanks.

Sir Random's picture
Anyone willing to join in on

Anyone willing to join in on a group phone conversation? I need actual on the second support.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I am at work and honestly

I am at work and honestly forum users are forum users because they find it comfortable enough that way.

Phone conversations are kinda a bit too intrusive in my opinion.

There is an element of privacy and anonymity involved in it.

Personally it does not effect me but I can see it could be a problem among atheists here on the site.

Also I like taking my time in a response and a forum gives me that, where a phone call does not.

I hate using a call as a way to discuss things anyway.

Some things needs to be done face to face.

Though I am happy to answer any questions that might arise from your phone conversion.

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