No longer religious. Still afraid of hell

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Deforres's picture
That's a red herring, Hawk.
ThePragmatic's picture
Hawk Flint - "...I preached..
CyberLN's picture
HF: "Everything I preached
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Hawk Flint
algebe's picture
Dave Matson's picture
It might help to know that
watchman's picture
ætherborn98's picture
Wait a I feel
Deforres's picture
Not quite preaching, so I'll
algebe's picture
."I'm unsure about this
Dave Matson's picture
Hawk Flint,
ClovenFeet's picture
evrything in the bible
ClovenFeet's picture
your fear will not end until
watchman's picture
Hawk Flint….
Sir Random's picture
Are you trying to be the
algebe's picture
Beegowl's picture
Our minds are vulnerable to
Sir Random's picture
Oye! What'd flying horses
algebe's picture
"What'd flying horses ever do
Sir Random's picture
Oh shit!(literally) lol
bigbill's picture
according to the founder of
algebe's picture
@skeptical christian
bigbill's picture
i agree with you algebe but
Sir Random's picture
You can't say that until you
bigbill's picture
dear tieler, i believe after
Sir Random's picture
"jesus was god"


Attach Image/Video?: 

algebe's picture
@skeptical christian
bigbill's picture
dear algebe: you can see by
Sir Random's picture
"look at joseph stalin who
algebe's picture
@Skeptical christian


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