Notre Dame

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David Killens's picture
Notre Dame

It does not matter if one has faith of not, one of the most iconic and revered buildings is on fire. For those affected, I wish to let you know that the joy has left my heart and I am practically in tears.

For Parisians, for the French, for Roman Catholics, for theists, today I lay down my sword and will mourn the damage that is being inflicted.

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Captain crunch's picture
It deeply saddens me to hear

It deeply saddens me to hear that happening.

Sapporo's picture
Indeed, I'm very sorry to see

Indeed, I'm very sorry to see the current developments. Hopefully, the damage will be limited to the top section and will not affect the notable windows and the other towers.

edit: by other towers, I mean other than the spire, which has collapsed (not sure if a spire counts as a tower).

Nyarlathotep's picture
Blame the Catholics, they

Blame the Catholics, they should have prayed the fire away.

Too soon?

Captain crunch's picture
That just disgusts for you to

That just disgusts for you to say. no one ever deserves that.
Regardless of there believe.

Sheldon's picture
Oh do get a grip, it was just

Oh do get a grip, it was just a joke, no need to get so precious.

Nonetheless a real tragedy to see an iconic piece of architecture destroyed like that. let's hope the damage is minimised by the fire services, but it did turn my stomach to see the spire collapse.

dogalmighty's picture beat me to it. beat me to it.

NewSkeptic's picture
We may not understand, but it

We may not understand, but it's all in God's plans. I'm thankful that one day, by His grace, we will all understand the purpose.

dogalmighty's picture
LOL...good one LOL.

LOL...good one LOL.

Sky Pilot's picture


"We may not understand, but it's all in God's plans."

As it says in Matthew 6:19-21 (NLT) = "19 “Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. 21 Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be."

Maybe God got pissed at all of those idols there.

Of course the French are saying that it was just an accident and not a terrorist attack. I'll bet that it happens again.

Cognostic's picture
@New Skeptic

@New Skeptic
Yea god has a plan, he runs about destroying cathedrals, starving babies and watching victims of rape. He does it because he loves us and has a plan.

Sheldon's picture
That's awful, am absolute

That's awful, an absolute tragedy.

The video in that link is heartbreaking, be warned.

CyberLN's picture
Profound loss...

Profound loss...

algebe's picture
Centuries old timbers burn

Centuries old timbers burn really well. Notre Dame has survived for centuries through wars and the French Revolution, only to be wrecked by a 21st-century restoration project.

The silver lining in this is that nobody has been hurt. These old cathedrals are usually packed with tourists. York Minister caught fire in 1984, probably because of lightning, but fortunately it was in the middle of the night.

THL79's picture
It is dreadful. Religions

It is dreadful. Religions have shaped our society and history, just as the Greek, Roman and Norse Gods did. Churches, Cathedrals, Mosques, Synagogues, Temples etc aren’t just buildings of religious worship, but of our history, culture, art and architecture. Seeing Notre Dame burn is heartbreaking.

arakish's picture
@ OP

@ OP

It does not matter if one has faith of not, one of the most iconic and revered buildings is on fire. For those affected, I wish to let you know that the joy has left my heart and I am practically in tears.

For Parisians, for the French, for Roman Catholics, for theists, today I lay down my sword and will mourn the damage that is being inflicted.

Damn! ***lowers head in a heartfelt moment of silence***


Never in my all my Anti-Religionism would I ever wish for such a thing to happen. NEVER! My wife and I even traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia then went to Moskva just to visit what I say is the most beautiful church in the world Saint Basil's Cathedral.

At least the Wiki page says it was not intentional, "The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, but believed to be linked to renovation works at the building."

That is just heinous. Regardless of how it started.


Grinseed's picture
A truly terrible event, the

A truly terrible event, the loss of centuries old architecture. However, no doubt Notre Dame Cathedral will be fully restored in the next chapter of its long history...the French won't stand for less.

Sky Pilot's picture


It will never be the same. But did you really know that wooden buildings can last that many centuries? Intentional or not it was due to fail at some time. The real question is whether French Christianity will continue its slow death and rapid replacement by Islam. If France falls we will be in some deep doo-doo.

SeniorCitizen007's picture
Witnesses have described

Witnesses have described seeing green flames when the fire started ... this suggests that it may have been caused by the wood preservative being used in the renovation - which is commonly a copper salt dissolved in a flammable medium.

dogalmighty's picture
The hunchback was a smoker,

The hunchback was a smoker, just saying.

David Killens's picture
I lived in France for four

I lived in France for four years, and when I visited Paris crawled all over that magnificent edifice. I am very aware that Notre Dame is central to the history of France, many events were conducted around or on the cathedral. Of course there is the religious aspect, but the cultural and historic significance of the building is absolutely major.

The emotional pain the French are suffering must be as profound as losing a family member. France will rebuild it, that is a certainty. It may take the efforts of an entire generation. But right now my heart goes out to all of France, and especially the Parisians.

MarylinC's picture
I've just been watching this

I've just been watching this on the news. I just really felt for all of France. Atheist or not I'd never wish something like that on them.

They showed a view from overhead and the whole rool has gone and the whole building was filled with flames

Snowmang's picture
Am I the only one who found

Am I the only one who found this to be hilarious? It's proof that their god is a fraud and hopefully people are smart enough to realize that.

Sky Pilot's picture


"Am I the only one who found this to be hilarious?"

Has there ever been a religion that hasn't had its temples destroyed? There is nothing hilarious about the destruction. You will notice that even the muslim fanatics have their lips zipped about the fire because they know that if they say that they were behind it Allah wouldn't be able to save their asses, probably from a nuke.

Cognostic's picture
@Snowmang: Most of us are

@Snowmang: Most of us are not thinking of the God value. Christian or atheist it is our history too. As much of a smart ass as I can be, this really isn't very funny. With that said, I admit to having thoughts of hot dog roasts and marshmallow toasts, but I have enough sense to realize how inappropriate this would be. We have lost a piece of history. From what I have seen of the fire, the Cathedral is devastated. It looks like a total loss. It is a loss for us all.

Tin-Man's picture
Damn.... Sends chills up my

Damn.... Sends chills up my spine. Difficult to imagine all the pieces of priceless artwork that were in there, some having survived for several centuries. Hell, for that matter, the building itself is priceless. At least happy to hear nobody was injured. Otherwise, such a tragic loss. Despite how I may feel about religion in general, it truly hurts my heart to see something that spectacular destroyed.

dogalmighty's picture
You win!

You win!

You are the first poster to mention what should have been asked as the very first question...was anyone hurt or killed. Kudos junk metal.

Tin-Man's picture
@doG Re: No injuries

@doG Re: No injuries

Actually, Algebe mentioned it first. I was just echoing the sentiment. Still very glad nobody was hurt, though.

dogalmighty's picture
doG takes away TM's trophy

doG takes away TM's trophy and hands it to Algebe.

Sky Pilot's picture
I hope the wimps have enough

I hope the wimps have enough backbone to do a thorough investigation on all of the workmen. I'm not buyng the innocent accident story.

David Killens's picture
Trust me, the French can be

Trust me, the French can be very hard-nosed on topics like this. When it is time to kick down doors and conduct morally questionable investigations, they are as good at it as anyone else.

Don't forget they invented the Foreign Legion just so they could sent troops into fights where massive casualties were guaranteed.


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