NY Cardinal Dolan just requested to head Trump Reelection campaign

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Fleeing in Terror's picture
NY Cardinal Dolan just requested to head Trump Reelection campaign

NY Cardinal Dolan just requested to head Trump Reelection campaign


He has asked Francis to be "relieved of his religious responsibilities" so that he can co-chair Trump's re-election campaign. Maybe we will get lucky and Francis will interpret that as a request to be 'busted' back to the laity and we can get rid of BOTH of them.

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dogalmighty's picture
Huh, a deluded pervert,
boomer47's picture
@Mrs Paul
algebe's picture
The perfect choice. Dolan is
AcrobaticDetective's picture
Wow. Just further proof to me
Calilasseia's picture
So this Dolan character, has
boomer47's picture
CyberLN's picture
Hmmm....I’m not so sure the
boomer47's picture
David Killens's picture
The sole question on my mind
AstroNila's picture
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