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Idiotic comments. Can this guy be banned from this site???
Endri, please do not post large copies of text from other sites. You can link to it. Please edit your OP now to erase the large copy/paste and instead use a link.
Sorry, totally forgot the rules, the irritation took me away for a minute.
So what does this mean for me I am of mixed race?
This whole line of thinking should have left you super skeptical.
I guess he really doesn't want Caucasians to come from Africa. Which reminds me have any of you met a person who believes there are no white Africans? lol I have and it was very entertaining.
Tons of white africans, but why would it even matter. We will all end up mutts eventually.
@JamieB: "We will all end up mutts eventually."
We already are. I'm proud to be a mongrel. Thoroughbreds tend to be inbred and stupid. I have to laugh when I hear people talking about pure English or pure Japanese and all that nonsense. All modern-day humans are descended from Africans, except for Donald Trump, who appears to be from a planet with a day-glo orange sun.
All modern-day humans are descended from Africans, except for Donald Trump, who appears to be from a planet with a day-glo orange sun.
I believe you speak the truth. :)
Racists and religidiots hate all the new knowledge coming out about human origins because it contradicts their divisive hate creeds. DNA proves that we're all the same people, and that racial differences are extremely superficial and recent. Except for sub-Saharan Africans, most of us have a little bit of Neanderthal in us,and Neanderthals also came out of Africa. (
It's really a stupidity written by a poor ignorant. Ignorance doesn't understand skin colors.
Algebe// I'm proud to be a mongrel.
I prefer to be called a hybrid thank you. Racism is beyond common sense and yet it is deeply embedded in our society. It is a bug that can't be squashed because there are those who want to nurture and protect it.
Ah, hell, we get so caught up in that trap you'd think there's an example of a human parading around as the purist pedigree of the species as a reference: S'ain't Simian. Would you care for tea on the savanha or in the trees, my good sir?
If there was a ready method for the accurate extrapolating of genealogy I'd wager it's a pretty focused origin.