a prayer for NBA finals favorite team

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mickron88's picture
a prayer for NBA finals favorite team

early this morning my friends gathered at my place and our topic was the latest basketball game, finals to be exact, CAVS vs GSW ...
and i heard from a friend that god heard his prayer that his favorite team won the second game of the final series...

he said that he prayed and beg that his team (Golden state) will win, i was thinking...

hey...god is really answering prayers...but only on sports, and not starvation and illnesses in africa, listens to a begging fan for a win but not to a dying cancer patient.

going back to our conversation with my friends, i just listen to his nonsense and just scoffed everything he said..(i just let him be, and just teased him...i can't change his view on religion...so i just turned it into joke.) for what is worth..he's still my friend.

i was thinking...if i'd play the lottery and prayed my numbers would come out, would it work??
if that would happen i would donate my prize to AR...i'm not kidding...i'll update you if i got my lucky numbers and please do pray for my numbers...alright?.....

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NewSkeptic's picture
I'm having a hard time
mickron88's picture
if god knows everything..of
Cognostic's picture
I prayed once. Three days
arakish's picture
Well, I am praying my 76ers
Cognostic's picture
I'm praying this penicillin
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: Penicillin
Cognostic's picture
I just want to sing along!!!
Atheist Jogger's picture
I consider people who pray
Nyarlathotep's picture
Yeah, if praying actually
Cognostic's picture
If Praying Worked, all the
Sapporo's picture
For some reason, god tends to
David Killens's picture
Religion and prayer cater to

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