"Proof" of Judaim

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ron972's picture
"Proof" of Judaim

A common "proof" for the existence of god and the "truth" of judaism is based on the fact that the bible states that the entire jewish people saw and experienced the miracles of the egyptian exodus (10 plagues - parting of the red sea - 10 commandments).
Since these events are not based on a single witness, or an ancient event, rather an entire nation witnessed and started immediately celebrating and commemorating these events without modification to this date. This proves it has to be true...

You can view a google translation to english of one of the many posts in the following link:

How would you respond to these claims?

Counter-examples of known false events (="miracles") that are believed to be witnessed (and believed) by a large population

Historical facts, e.g. when did the israelites/jews started celebrating the holidays that commemorate the exodus? how long after the initial event....

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David Killens's picture
Historical evidence supports
Cognostic's picture
BIBLE? FACT? Wow are we
Tin-Man's picture
Cognostic's picture
Cog Stupid. Cog has bananas
chimp3's picture
Never heard of Judaim! Fill
Sky Pilot's picture
MCDennis's picture
It seems to me that your
Sheldon's picture
A claim in a book isn't
Sheldon's picture
"Historical facts, e.g. when
watchman's picture
@ ron …..
Dave Matson's picture
What makes you think that the
Alic2k18's picture
@ cognostic
Cognostic's picture
Gotta be the wrong post. My
arakish's picture
The Exodus was written by one
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
Grinseed's picture
The witnesses to the plagues
watchman's picture
Personally …...
arakish's picture
The only problem I have with

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