Prove without a shadow of doubt that jesus existed...I dare ya!

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Alic2k18's picture
No it about the existence of
mykcob4's picture
@Ali I will use whatever
Sheldon's picture
"if you take in the writings​
Alic2k18's picture
@ mykcob4 I am not a
mykcob4's picture
Don't you dare condescend to
Tin-Man's picture
@Ali Re: Myk's offensive
mykcob4's picture
HAHAHAHAHAHA you think Ali
Alic2k18's picture
@ mykcob4 you should have
mykcob4's picture
@ Ali Really?
Alic2k18's picture
@ mykcob4 alright I made a
mykcob4's picture
@ Ali
Sheldon's picture
Should have written, not
Alic2k18's picture
@ mykcob4 i have had a lot of
mykcob4's picture
No Ali it doesn't. Me
Sheldon's picture
Sorry to hear this, but it is


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