Proving the foundation for God's existence

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publicab12's picture
Dumb Ox
RedleT's picture
More information is needed, I
RedleT's picture
Concerning electrons or the
RedleT's picture
"but if it is true that
RedleT's picture
@ UV
xenoview's picture
Dumb Ox
Gary Williams's picture
Dumb Ox,
publicab12's picture
Dumb Ox,and other christians,
xenoview's picture
UV teM
publicab12's picture
I think you are more dumb
publicab12's picture
dumb ox,
RedleT's picture
Yes, but the idea does.
xenoview's picture
What you wrote was a word
publicab12's picture
point out what's wrong .
xenoview's picture
No I don't believe gravity is
RedleT's picture
@ UV
publicab12's picture
I mean all existing things
publicab12's picture
Me,too.Gravity is part of
xenoview's picture
UV teM
publicab12's picture
The following is part of my
BenCopson's picture
bigbill's picture
As you read this post we do
algebe's picture
@Science follower: "The God
Nyarlathotep's picture
Algebe - There's not a scrap
xenoview's picture
science follower


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