Proving theres a God? Its easy!

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neophyte's picture
Proving theres a God? Its easy!

Hello all, Im goin to show you 2 ways to make a spiritual connection to God Himself. Well its you who "brings on the magic" so to speak. Its you who makes steps toward Him. The bible says that God sees you from afar , and runs to meet you. The same way a Father who son has left him and returns.

As some of you know who may have children, ,there is nothing they can do to stop your love for them. Its love that built the universe. Its all designed by a designer. The entirety of the entire universe and all of time itself was made for you. Its a love thats unfathomable that literally includes a story of God Himself being born as a man who brought life and healing to so many people,.. war with Rome against His followers, eventually everyone even rome itself stood with christianity sorta. Too many people saw him do too many things. Thats why there isnt one historian on earth that doubts Jesus lived. Even my old atheist liberal history instructors did not doubt. I have no idea how yall rectify that. They found a way tho.

Ok so here goes. Christians believe that a human is a spiritual being with a physical body. Thats why when some people die they claim to see their body and all manner of details in surrounding rooms and floors. You can tell me theyre full of it but u cant tell them. Tell the doctors who see it year after year and write their own books.

You yourself just leave the body somehow

Heres how to prove God. I would tell you all to try the first 'method ' because yall aint got the guts for the second . Well maybe.

1) The Spiritual text. A christian thinks God is up there or there , somewhere always watching. Where is He?
When a person prays to God he is just essentially choosing to comunicate. Its all in the choice. You chose to go there, you chose to wear that ,here you choose to speak because your voice is like an invite. Do it alone by yourself when no one is watching you. Why? Because a persons true character is how he is when know when is watching. We all see your act, the facade you put on with your family at your job. On this stage we act differently in every scene , but when we are by ourselves is who we are often. Of course prayer works in the open as well but being by yourself is a great initial step towards findind this supposed spuritual truth.

Tell God if your real, make Him prove it . Give him one honest minute. Whats that sound like? Go straight to 9:40

Its one minute of spuritual surrender.

Just try one honest minute . Get on your knees and bow your head. We are talking to a Living God. Just try it , 1 minute. He will text you back if you are earnest. You will know!!

2) The spiritual phone call. This 'method' will get you in direct connection on a more powerful scale.

Go to a church on Sunday that has an Alter Call! Go up to that alter in front of everyone , walk up to that alter and tell those folks in the front that are there for prayer what u need. U will feel that battle and leave changed! It says in Matthew 18:20 that when 2 or 3 gather in my name, I will be there.
Its hard to go up there.

But by you doing these works, you have ignited Faith.

You dont have to take my word for it
Take Him at His word
Make Him prove it.
Demand it and you will get your answer.
Every christian should know this and scripture confirms it.



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Sapporo's picture
I used to be a Christian. I
neophyte's picture
Im sad you do. Ive been
neophyte's picture
I think people leave here
RANJEET's picture
neophyte's picture
Im sorry maybe that was click
RANJEET's picture
this life is my heaven I don


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mickron88's picture
"A christian thinks God is up
Sheldon's picture
"Im sorry maybe that was
NewSkeptic's picture
@ neophyte
Sky Pilot's picture
neophyte's picture
Oh i see, u click the lil box
neophyte's picture
Thank you for joining ranjeet
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“As some of you know who may
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You guys are very intelligent
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Im connecting God to outside
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"many people have confirmed
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disgusting? That person is
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what cyb mean is you're
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neophyte, I don’t think you
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I think you missed the point
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I wish you have been around
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Near death dreams always
algebe's picture
Welcome back F.I.G.
mickron88's picture
he is more like....
neophyte's picture
Im not trolling, im just


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