Q-ism: Religion for Atheists?

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Whitefire13's picture
@Tin...” have Cog smack that

@Tin...” have Cog smack that stubborn ass of hers.”

I love rewards ... he can bite me too (sigh)

Tin-Man's picture
@White Re: "I love rewards .

@White Re: "I love rewards ... he can bite me too (sigh)"

Yeah, I figured as much... *rolling eyes*... Oh, well. But, uh, hey... Since you might have him "tied up" for a bit later, see if you can get my money back from him. Should be forty dollars. I'll give you a twenty five percent collectors fee. Cool?

Whitefire13's picture


Since you’ll most likely be hiding in the closet with OMS, you go through his pockets...

Tin-Man's picture
@Whitefire Re: "Since you’ll

@Whitefire Re: "Since you’ll most likely be hiding in the closet with OMS, you go through his pockets.."

HAH!... Nice try, sister. But you and I both know Cog does not wear pants. And I know I ain't about to go digging into the area where he keeps his money. That's where YOU come in! (Uh, once you get it, though, would you please give it a quick rinse in the sink before tossing it in the closet? I'll have a HAZMAT bag waiting, and will handle the sterilizing later.)

Cognostic's picture

I'm standing right here!!!

Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: ?Discussion? You

@Ajay: ?Discussion? You gotta be kidding. Quote from the first sentence uttered in the post: "Q-ism is a philosophy in which Divinity takes on whatever form an individual consciously or subconsciously projects."

EDIT: (As long as I am at it - Can you provide evidence for a subconscious mind? How about a conscious one? What is it we call "Mind.") Just because some psychological theories postulate an unconscious mind, does not make it so.

Don't be a dweeb..... what in the fuck would a bunch of atheists want with a religion that makes the claim, anything you imagine is a divinity, is a divinity. Stupid ass fucking claim. People around here are going to be coming up with idiotic ideas like Magical Universe creating Cockatoos or Blue Universe Creating Bunnies and completely ignoring the Big Yellow Universe Creating Banana.

The OP is one of the stupidest posts I have seen on the site since I have been here and is certainly in the running for the idiot comment of the year award. ]

Any non-exploitive exercise can lead to spiritual----- spiritual ---- HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA,,,,,, I have already spent more time listening to this gibberish than it deserves. One minute of my life that I will never get back. Two to the stupidest sentences ever uttered in the existence of human kind and they were back to back. My IQ has dropped seven points by just listening to this shit.

Define a spirit.

Explain how Science, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, history, art, literature, religion, music. dance, sports, and mundane every day activities like cooking, cleaning, doing the dishes, or mowing the lawn are not exploitative.


Q-ism's picture
Sounds like a completely

Sounds like a completely biased interpretation, can't just say that something is stupid in all caps without giving some reasoning in a thoughtful coherent manner. Like I said, if you are a materialist probably wouldn't appeal to you.

dogalmighty's picture
Materialism has nothing to do

Materialism has nothing to do with it. Its your own ability to reason that is in question. If something is objectively evidenced to exist in reality, it exists. Believing in something that is not evidenced in reality, is, by definition, delusional. You should be asking yourself why you believe in something that has no evidence, not breaking down rational thought, like atheism, in attempt to validate your own irrational belief.

At this point, let me define your faith for you...When you take away the unevidenced assertions, faith is just a tool used on people that can't reason for themselves.

Now, Scandinavian folklore is obviously your thing. Anyone that hates others, and lives under a bridge or in a cave, usually has an issue they can't reason through. Seek help troll.

Cognostic's picture
@Ajay Is a Troll:

@Ajay Is a Troll: "Answer the questions"

"You can't just say that something is stupid in all caps without giving some reasoning in a thoughtful coherent manner."

YES I CAN......... "IT'S FUCKING STUPID"........ "That which is asserted without evidence can be rejected without evidence. A bunch of idiotic wooo wooo bullshit deserves no attention at all.

Whitefire13's picture
Oh god ...Cog :)

Oh god ...Cog :)

If anybody can delve into “woo” or mind-candy and enjoy it, it’s me. So let’s have some fun... at least Cog provided some clarity - something I’m beginning to wonder if your mind is capable of...

: "Q-ism is a philosophy in which Divinity takes on whatever form an individual consciously or subconsciously projects."

Are you consciously or unconsciously engaging with us, as posters?

Q-ism's picture
good one bro ;)

good one bro ;)

Whitefire13's picture
@Ajay ... interrupting to

@Ajay ... interrupting to inject quote from Cog “

: "Q-ism is a philosophy in which Divinity takes on whatever form an individual consciously or subconsciously projects."

Are you consciously or unconsciously engaging with us, as posters?

Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: RE: "good one bro ;

@Ajay: RE: "good one bro ;) "

FUCK, I hope this was in response to me calling him out as a Troll. He is..... just admitting that he has been exposed. Right?

HEY AJ - When you want to respond to a specific post..... type '@' and then the person's name.

Q-ism's picture
cog, I am sooooo in your head

cog, I am sooooo in your head right now, am I correct??

Tin-Man's picture
@Ajay Re: "cog, I am sooooo

@Ajay Re: "cog, I am sooooo in your head right now, am I correct??"

Oh-dear-GOD!!!... *look of shock*... You are a much sicker fucker than I originally imagined!... *nervous trembling*... Anybody who willingly wants to get into COG'S head must have some VERY demented psychological issues! I would suggest you consider getting a complete frontal lobotomy, Ajay, but indicators thus far point toward the possibility of being nothing there to remove. Still, it would be worth a shot, I suppose. Regardless, seek help, man! SEEK HELP NOW!

Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: Yea! I sit around

@Ajay: Yea! I sit around worrying about dipshits all day. I have nothing better to do with my life.


If this is not evidence enough I don't know what is. Ajay's sole purpose on the site is to instigate. He does not give a damn about sharing information. HE IS A TROLL.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
without the universe none of

without the universe none of this would exist

Well tickle me with a dead wombat....really? I got that far into this oh so profound droning voice over before dissolving into despairing fits of laughter. Choking on me morning kipper and frightening the cat.

Oh dear: We must learn how to lead heroic lives in the face of illusion. Eons from now, we lifeforms will self-actualize like never before as we are guided by the totality. We are being called to explore the grid itself as an interface between presence and ecstasy.

You are very welcome to use that paragraph in your next photo shopped video melange. Woo is king (as is poor production values)

Q-ism's picture
childish insults without an

childish insults without an actual argument doesn't contribute much

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Ajay

@ Ajay

Did you actually read that quote from your video? Did it not strike you as the most ineffably childishly awkward stupidity? Does it REALLY need explaining to you?

Fuck me, that and "Non Atheist not mean Theist" blather. You can't cover up poorly thought out propositions with doctored pics and verbose, meaningless voice overs then promote it to a group of rational adults.

You will be treated as a child when you present childish things.

Grinseed's picture
@ Ajay

@ Ajay

Because I am a covid19 refugee, I watched the vid and read and re-read the transcript.

I eventually realised I had no need to go past the opening sentence, "Q-ISM is a philosophy which argues that divinity takes on whatever form an individual either consciously or subconsciously projects", because it validates my conscious projection of "divinity" as null, because I am an atheist. I should have stopped then.

But I ploughed on to learn, that the substance Q is a manifestation of everything, material and non-material, (ie everything and nothing) This immediately made me think of Karl Popper's quote that "a theory that explains everything explains nothing", but I continued.

The author surges forward to describe in a "non-exploitative" and non-explanatory "exercise of science", the conditions of the pre-big bang event by invoking the concepts of 'absolutely nothing', and 'pure nothing', co-joined, no less, with the potentiality of 'everything that would ever be created'.

All of this is presented as a "divinity" "without existence", which apparently requires the "perturbation" of the Big Bang to produce "consciousness that "arose with a big bang and exists everywhere". How Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Lemaitre, Gamow and even Krauss could have missed all this is beyond me. Then I read there can be no existence without consciousness as long as that consciousness has "free will". I got worried that this was going to morph into some freewheeling expostion of budhism, ying and yang, probability and chance and my nose started to bleed, so I "Q"uit while I was ahead.

You were right, Ajay, this isn't the stuff for atheists who stayed awake during science lessons at school.
I would only add that my atheism involves more than disbelief in a god with a personality. From what I learned through Greek and Jewish theology these gods make the very worst kind. The universe has no need for a consciousness for me to feel a part of it, I just need mine.

Thanks for the c19 diversion and thanks for sharing.

Q-ism's picture
Couldn't find a single

Couldn't find a single coherent argument or counterpoint in that entire piece

Grinseed's picture
The sarcasm must have been

The sarcasm must have been too subtle for you. There was little in the assumptions of the video to debate. It was just a rehash of nearly every alternative hippy home-spun spiritualist belief I've heard since the early sixties.

A divinity that can be anything, anyone wants it to be, is the same as a divinity without definition ie meaningless.

The claim that this amorphous divinity, god, holiness, whatever, is composed of 'everything' including the undefined 'nothing' is basic cosmic grounds for religions dating back to the Summerians and even Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, who all, at least, had the sense to create some cohesive spiritual cosmology as a basis for their beliefs.

Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: RE: "Couldn't find a

@Ajay: RE: "Couldn't find a single coherent argument." It appears to me that you also have difficulty reading..... so ..... no big surprise there.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Ajay - Nothing is proven.

Ajay - Nothing is proven.

Did you not take geometry in high-school?

Nyarlathotep's picture


I suspect this thread is self promotional; which is a violation of the rules here at AR. Let's not do this again.

Q-ism's picture
not self promotional, don't

not self promotional, don't see my name anywhere in the link, description, or subsequent video

Nyarlathotep's picture
For what it is worth: I made

For what it is worth: I made it 26 seconds into the video. I stopped when it starting talking about things that lead to "spiritual progress".

dogalmighty's picture
Spiritual progress is the

Spiritual progress is the feeling you get when you come close to winning by putting a ring on a bottle, at the fair. Dropping spirituality, is the moment you realize you just spent thirty bucks trying to win a three dollar stuffy from a con man.

There, I have just called god, a three dollar stuffy...LOL.

Cognostic's picture
Nyarlathotep: "I made it 26

Nyarlathotep: "I made it 26 seconds into the video. I stopped when it starting talking about things that lead to "spiritual progress".

I made it to the same 26 seconds and actually quoted it above so you would not have to torture yourself. But noooooooo - you're just a glutton for punishment.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I guess so!

I guess so!


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