Q-ism: Religion for Atheists?

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Q-ism's picture
Q-ism: Religion for Atheists?

Shares some overlap with Spinoza's pantheism




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Tomcolumbus's picture
C19 lock down is kinda boring
Q-ism's picture
Yet title of thread alone was
Tomcolumbus's picture
I think I understand well
Whitefire13's picture
@Tom... let me guess. Click
Sheldon's picture
I'm with Columbus, if you can
Q-ism's picture
Fair enough, though I would
boomer47's picture
Q-ism's picture
How can you so easily and
Cognostic's picture
@Ajay: ATHEISM: speaks for
Sheldon's picture
Ajay " though I would argue
Fuckyouman666's picture
Have you read sponsor's
Q-ism's picture
Would my having or having not
dogalmighty's picture
Q-ism's picture
True, but I would argue that
Cognostic's picture
Fuckyouman666's picture
That's the problem, you're
Whitefire13's picture
@Ajay... I see this is your
Tomcolumbus's picture
Do you use the screen name
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Cognostic's picture
OM: AW FUCK - Tinny is
Whitefire13's picture
Hey Tinny - looking forward
Q-ism's picture
See my response to user "doG"
dogalmighty's picture
Atheists do not have the need
Q-ism's picture
doG, I think you are getting
Sheldon's picture
Ajay Tell me, if you saw a
Whitefire13's picture
@Ajay ... I’m assuming your
Q-ism's picture
Whitefire13, actually the
Whitefire13's picture
This is my point, discussion
Q-ism's picture
Why re-gurgitate the entire
Tin-Man's picture
@Ajay Re: To Whitefire -


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