Question on Gods existance

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Cole Kaos's picture
Question on Gods existance

My question for all atheists:

If god does not exist it stands to reason that only an atheist could create the concept of god. Therefore, if god truly does not exist why create a concept that has turned into many religions that has been responsible for the deaths of millions upon millions of people?

You claim god does not exist. Therefore you must take responsiblity for the fact that an atheist must have created this concept of an omnipresent being called god.

Your answer please.
Thank you.

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algebe's picture
Why are you assuming that the
mykcob4's picture
Cole Kaos's picture
What is my myth that you
algebe's picture
@Simplicity: "tell me or
Cole Kaos's picture
@Simplicity: "tell me or
algebe's picture
@Simplicity: "they exist
algebe's picture
OK Simplicity. Here's
mykcob4's picture
Cole Kaos's picture are an
mykcob4's picture
You stated it in your profile
Cole Kaos's picture
You are still a fool. You
xenoview's picture
Cole Kaos's picture attitude is
Cole Kaos's picture
You are such an authority on
xenoview's picture
Cole Kaos's picture
Xenoview.....what colour is
Cole Kaos's picture
Mykcob4.....Who said I
mykcob4's picture
You said that you are a
SBMontero's picture
Cole Kaos's picture
Oh wise clarify
SBMontero's picture
Cole Kaos's picture
Who created the lie? Pretty
xenoview's picture
SBMontero's picture
SunDog's picture
What? Simplicity! How
Cole Kaos's picture
We are talking about an idea.
SBMontero's picture
Cole Kaos's picture
Oh mighty are
algebe's picture
xenoview's picture


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