Questions about the prophecy of tyre

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Ask21771's picture
Confused about what?

Confused about what?

chimp3's picture
Ask21771 : "The end of the

Ask21771 : "The end of the tyre prophecy talks about what god will you do with the remains of tyre after it has been invaded: “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: When I make you a desolate city, like cities no longer inhabited, and when I bring the ocean depths over you and its vast waters cover you, then I will bring you down with those who go down to the pit, to the people of long ago. I will make you dwell in the earth below, as in ancient ruins, with those who go down to the pit, and you will not return or take your place[c] in the land of the living. I will bring you to a horrible end and you will be no more. You will be sought, but you will never again be found, declares the Sovereign Lord.”"

Now that's a guy you want to work for!

Ask21771's picture
Please take this seriously

Please take this seriously and help me

David Killens's picture


"Please take this seriously and help me"


You are appealing to atheists to "confirm?" what you seem to already know. There is a wealth of information on the internet, and if I chose to assist you, I would be doing all the hard lifting. Besides, Cognostic has already provided enough information for you to reach a conclusion.

I have a better idea Ask21771. Go away, do your own research, get all your ducks in a row, then return to this forum, and present your case and argument.

Fuck, just when I believed I could say I've seen it all, along comes a theist and wants atheists to do the research so he can build an argument. Sheesh.

p.s. Ask21771. It is considered appropriate in this forum to mention if any part of a post was edited. It keeps us honest. You do want to appear to be honest, don't you?

chimp3's picture
Ask21771: "Please take this

Ask21771: "Please take this seriously and help me"

OK, this god is a sadistic butcher. Run away from it as fast as you can! Does that help?

Tin-Man's picture
@Ask Re: "Please take this

@Ask Re: "Please take this seriously and help me"

God helps those who help themselves. That being said... ARCHAEOLOGY and/or HISTORICAL CHAT SITE! We here are atheists. That means we do not believe in god or the ridiculous nonsense contained in the bible. That's IT. Asking your question on an atheist site is about the same as going to NASCAR chat site and asking them to explain the intricacies of needlepoint to you. Geeeeeeeeeeeez.......

(Minor grammar edit)

LogicFTW's picture


It is all bull shit, you should not concern yourself with it. We answered multiple times. The prophecy is wrong, failed, if anything it is an illustration of how the bible just got another thing wrong. You are asking about a prophecy and the prophecy is wrong. End of story.

Cognostic's picture
RE: Are there ruins in the

RE: Are there ruins in the ocean?

"Description: Tyre was originally a Phoenician town at the heart of Mediterranean trade with a very important port, in fact it was dubbed the 'Queen of the Seas' for its mercantile and seafaring activities. Later under Roman rule and eventually became one of the first cities to welcome Christianity. Later under the Arab rule it still flourished and its port became an important naval base for the Arab fleet. The arrival of the Crusaders, however, eventually led to the destruction of the city and its prosperity. At about 80m of the shore ancient ruins, predominantly from the Romans and crusaders may still be admired underwater. This dive mainly revolves
around the ancient harbour where remains of buildings, roads and columns are visible. "

YES, there are ruins under the water as well.

Ask21771's picture
Thank you

Thank you

boomer47's picture


"The end of the tyre prophecy talks about what god will you do with the remains of tyre after it has been invaded: "

Umm, you do realise this is atheist forum? That means most of us don't believe in God.

Anything using phrases like '"god said" or "god did" are usually dismissed as nonsense . This because (1) we DON"T BELIEVE IN GOD (2) sacred books, such as the entire Christian bible have no credibility as reliable historical sources.

Fortune telling is woo, whether from a sacred book, a newspaper astrologer , or any other source.

Sorry, not willing to humour you.

David Killens's picture
I would like to add to

I would like to add to cranky47's post.

So what? IMO it isn't a valid prediction, by any standards.

Cognostic's picture
WTF was that????

WTF was that????

Up To My Neck's picture
Asshole of the week goes to..

Asshole of the week goes to............Ask21771!! Kindly take your prize and get the fuck out yourself!

Cognostic's picture
@Pirate Jack: Well shiver

@Pirate Jack: Well shiver me timber, I only got one, and swab this plank, then batten them hatches down and be Ye ready for the Pirate Jack attack.

Cognostic's picture
@Cali!!! Where the fuck is

@Cali!!! Where the fuck is Cali when you need him?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture

is this the bit that worries you?

then I will bring you down with those who go down to the pit, to the people of long ago. I will make you dwell in the earth below, as in ancient ruins, with those who go down to the pit, and you will not return or take your place[c] in the land of the living.

Ok so Cog and I and others have told you yes, the city of Tyre (modern) is built on the ruins of many older ruins of Tyre, we have confirmed that ruins of old multiple cities of Tyre lie in the lagoon and in the shallow water around the island.

So the only thing you can now be harping on about is the existence of zombies living underground and underwater in some( and only some) of the old ruins with even older zombies ...right? How old are you? 12?

Dont be so fekking stupid. Stop watching cheap movies and the christian channel.

The descendants of the Phoenicians are alive today we call them all sorts of things now...Libyans, Moroccans, Lebanese, Levantines, Palestinians, Israelis, Maltese...the phoenicians live on in just about every country bordering the Mediterranean.

The 'prophecy' is and was absolute fucking bollocks. If you can't see that then just fuck off back to la la land.

Cognostic's picture
@Old man Shouts... Zombies!

@Old man Shouts... Zombies! Zombies! Fucking Zombies! No one told me about the fucking Zombies. Why didn't someone tell me about the Zombies. Shit! I never would have answered the stupid fking question if I knew there were going to be Zombies. DAMN!

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog

@ Cog

Now dinna fash yoursel' ma wee chimpy. Yon Zombies are all far awa' in the Lebanon, under the sea and away from where the murderin' humans are doin' their best tae murder each other.

Sheldon's picture
Ask21771 "This is what the

Ask21771 "This is what the Sovereign Lord says: "

Oh I'm going to need you to demonstrate some objective evidence for that claim before I'll believe that text is from a deity. Can you demonstrate any objective evidence for any deity or that is said what you're claiming it did?

For future ref you should open with the evidence, not the claim.

Ask21771 "Can anyone tell me if this is what happened to the phonecian remains of tyre"

No, why don't you do your own research if you're interested. Also why have you brought this request to an atheist forum? That's a little bizarre. Also please explain what point you're trying to make? Cities can be destroyed and have new cities built on them without requiring anything supernatural, similarly they can become submerged as an entirely natural phenomenon.

I'm not seeing any prophesy here either if I'm honest.

Simon Moon's picture


So, let's say, for the sake of the debate, I concede that the 'prophecy' about Tyre is predicted in the Bible. I don't for all the reasons already previous explained to you, but I'll give you the prophecy for the sake of the argument.

Now, prove that a god was responsible for the prophecies and predictions, and not some other explanation.Or that a god is even the most likely explanation.

How did you eliminate:
The person recording the prophecy in the Bible had precognitive abilities?
Or a time traveler traveling back in time to tell him?
Or a super advanced alien race telling him?
Or simply he got lucky?
Or a person from a different religion received the prophecy from their god, and relayed the information to the person recording it in Bible?

Of course, I do not even see a successful prophecy at all, since it did not come to pass as predicted, nor do I believe any of the explanations I listed above, I am just trying to understand how you eliminated all other explanations.

Sheldon's picture
So here we are again, someone

So here we are again, someone (unknown provenance) wrote something down, then someone claimed it happened later.

I predict that against stupendous odds someone will win a fortune on the lottery. I further predict this will happen, against even longer odds, repeatedly.

Does this make me a deity? Or at the very least have I got the "gift" of prophesy?

Why do theists think not having an explanation for a claim is evidence for their deity? Why do theists constantly try to claim their deity is fiddling with the universe by pointing to events and smugly proclaiming "see, what else could it be?", as if this is compelling polemic.

Most of all, why don't theists know the fucking difference between there and their?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon

@ Sheldon

"Most of all, why don't theists know the fucking difference between there and their?"

Amen brother, and just do not get me started on apostrophes..........


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