Relationship with god?

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Sir Random's picture
"But I say, has already been
ætherborn98's picture
"And I must say, Hawk Flint
Sir Random's picture
" that a compliment?"
girrod's picture
Haha! This is a joke! Hawk
Sir Random's picture
At least he doesn't go around
girrod's picture
Hey Tieler! I believe that
algebe's picture
"Organic matter is what has
girrod's picture
Definitions Algebe,
Sir Random's picture
"Mind is what controls and
girrod's picture
So I guess men that rape
Sir Random's picture
Brain damage can lead to
girrod's picture
You make no sense. I stated
Sir Random's picture
"You make no sense."
girrod's picture
You said that we are merely
Sir Random's picture
"some type of morality."
girrod's picture
Your reasoning is flawed. If
Deforres's picture
Damnit, I thought we were rid
algebe's picture
So you see the complex
girrod's picture
Yes, there is complex
algebe's picture
"Live by this maxim from
girrod's picture
I see you didn't answer any
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
girrod's picture
Wow! What a rant!
Sir Random's picture
The "Consciousness" to which
girrod's picture
Wow! Here comes the illogical
Sir Random's picture
Here's the thing. You have
girrod's picture
What a contradiction you are,
Sir Random's picture
Good thing I'm just giving
girrod's picture
What does your age have to do
Sir Random's picture
Apparently you missed the


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