Relationship with god?

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girrod's picture
Translation: I NEED HELP!!!!!
Apple Pi's picture
Yes, you do, chap. From what
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
girrod's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
girrod's picture
Sir Random's picture
Metaphysics is a dead tune,
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
girrod's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Gabriel
girrod's picture
LOL.... Let's see who has the
bigbill's picture
hia, i know that i have a
Sir Random's picture
And your proof is where? You
bigbill's picture
tieler current scholarship
Sir Random's picture
1.Morals come from society.
bigbill's picture
do you know that richard
Sir Random's picture
Their never was a "standard"
Dave Matson's picture
You are seriously misinformed
bigbill's picture
the sources are many you tube
Sir Random's picture
"he like any other atheist
algebe's picture


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Dave Matson's picture
As I said, William Lane Craig
ThePragmatic's picture
As Algebe said "Great avatar"


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bigbill's picture
have u faced a apologist
Sir Random's picture
algebe's picture
" who is we?"
Nyarlathotep's picture
Gabriel - "Also, if our
bigbill's picture
relationship is a 2 way
Apple Pi's picture
Perhaps, instead of turning,
bigbill's picture
thank you 3,14 for your


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