Religion is an initial circular argument.

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Bearair's picture
Religion is an initial circular argument.

I came across this definition of religion whilst debating on an american forum, the full definition is this,

religion is an initial circular argument with other arguments stemming from it.

This definition provided by a Christian appears to me to be utter nonsense, it does not describe religion and is so broad that any circular argument could be a religion. "The red shoes are red" suddenly becomes a religion if I understand it correctly.

Interested in what other people think, is it meaningless rubbish or am I missing a philosophical point.

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Cognostic's picture
@Bearair" Religion" isn't
dogalmighty's picture
Fuck the banana' get a
Bearair's picture
Thanks @Cognistic I have been
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I find this site (they also
Cognostic's picture
Cognostic's picture
You Tube for your listening
Sheldon's picture
,cite>"religion is an initial
Bearair's picture
Thanks Cognostic will look
Get off my lawn's picture
Religion is the usage of
Peurii's picture
Isn't empiricism a religion
Cognostic's picture
Peurii's picture
While I do agree that
Nyarlathotep's picture
Peurii - While I do agree
Cognostic's picture
It does get us away from our
Sky Pilot's picture
Religion is a complex issue
Delaware's picture
@ Diotrephes
dogalmighty's picture
Please list some good
Delaware's picture
@ doG
Tin-Man's picture
Re: doG to Jo - "Please list
Delaware's picture
@ Tin-Man
arakish's picture
Jo: "Your caricature of my
Delaware's picture
@ arakish
arakish's picture
@ Delaware
Cognostic's picture
@doG: I can do it faster
Sky Pilot's picture
Delaware's picture
@ Diotrephes
Tin-Man's picture
@Jo Re: To Dio - "Why did
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I echo your laughter my
Delaware's picture
@ Old Man Shouts
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Jo


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