Religion and schools

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Drenth's picture
Religion and schools

I’m in school to become a high school chemistry teacher in the USA, and with my student teaching drawing near I’ve started to think of a couple of things that might come up in the classroom. Living in the Bible Belt in the south, in Tennessee who just passed a law last year requiring all public schools to display prominently the motto “in god we trust”. Being a science teacher I can see what i’m teaching causing students to ask questions or make comments about how what I’m saying may not align with religious beliefs, and I’m wondering what people’s opinions are on what a proper response would be.

I would like to be able to freely state my own opinions to my students, such that science teaches the established facts of how the world works and it shouldn’t matter what their religions say, but being in a super religious community I worry my job would be in jeopardy for voicing such opinions or that I was an atheist teaching their children.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
Drenth - ...I worry my job
LogicFTW's picture
Drenth's picture
LogicFTW's picture
chimp3's picture
@drenth: I live just North of
In Spirit's picture
Sometimes the teachings don't
Grinseed's picture
The best and most enduring
Calilasseia's picture
My approach in that

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