Science Unspoken Axiom #1: Deities are nonsense

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sourcecodewizzard's picture
Your first sentence is
Calilasseia's picture
Bollocks. The only gigantic
arakish's picture
@ source code that does work
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodemigraine
Calilasseia's picture
He almost certainly never
sourcecodewizzard's picture
they poofed into existence to
David Killens's picture
sourcecodewizzard's picture
The OP was a proof by
arakish's picture
@ source code
WrongVerb's picture
I reject the Bible as an
David Killens's picture
I question the "smarter" part
sourcecodewizzard's picture
You are certainly free to
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodemigraine
sourcecodewizzard's picture
So you are one of those who
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodemigraine
sourcecodewizzard's picture
What a relief. You keep your
David Killens's picture
David Killens's picture
Because I do not live in a
sourcecodewizzard's picture
It's easy to throw poo from
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodemigraine
sourcecodewizzard's picture
arakish's picture
sourcecodemigraine: "What
sourcecodewizzard's picture
Brains = Evidence
Calilasseia's picture
Except that scientists don't
David Killens's picture
I do not pretend to be a god,
Sheldon's picture
I concur entirely. Though we
Cognostic's picture
sourcecodewizzard's picture
1) because this is a test
dogalmighty's picture
"1) because this is a test."
arakish's picture
doG: "LOL...the only rants I


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