Science Unspoken Axiom #1: Deities are nonsense
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11 Pages of complete and utter nonsense. And still our good troll sourcecodewishywash keeps trying? At what point would the average person simply become embarrassed?
Right so let's just iron this bollocks out once and for all.
You have no hypothesis, no theory and fuck all evidence.
Your assertion is underpinned on SETI who work mostly on radiowaves, finding a flickering light I.e. a sun, dimming on and off like some dingy second rate motel suit with a dim switch, where some fat tosser tries to impress a local street Walker.
Right, draw up a logical argument with premises and conclusions, not only do I predict you cannot make a deductive argument, I think you'll also struggle to make an inductive argument.
Your best chance I predict is abductive reasoning and it'll likely be shit and picked apart.
But have at it, let's see your logic.
Still waiting for this idiot to form a cogent logical argument....
Let's see a deductive arguement, or even an inductive arguement formulated to support the bullshit you're spewing.
Indeed, I'm, familiar with the manner in which pedlars of blind assertions, robotically parroted repeatedly, love to claim that their assertions are "LOGIC!!!!111ELEVENTYONE". Most of the pedlars of these assertions wouldn't recognise a genuine logical derivation if it backed an M1 Abrams into their rib cages.
Exactly, it's an arguement based on a fantasy and anyone can play that kind of intellectually dishonest pseudoscience bollocks.
It relies on a premise that has not and likely would not ever happen? What are the mechanics to make a star dim and illuminate like a signal lamp?
Seriously, that is no different to me saying...
If a satellite saw a strange shadow on our sun and it was Tin Man surfing on an anti gravity board into the sun and out of the opposite side,
That would be just cause yo believe that Tin Man had miraculous powers and was not subject to the laws of nature and physics.
Therefore, tin man is God.
Utter, utter, utter bollocks!
Randomhero1982: "Therefore, tin man is God. Utter, utter, utter bollocks!"
However, I would find it more plausible that Tin-Man is God than any of the other preposterous claims spewed by sourcecode.
@ source code that does not work
You already said that SETI has found such a signal. Please provide us with the OBJECTIVE HARD EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE of this MPG file you keep mentioning.
Until you do provide that OBJECTIVE HARD EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE, then apply...
Additionally, you have done nothing more than prove these...
And since you seem to confuse these...
So far, all you have done is provide preposterous, incredulous, ridiculous, bizarre, absurd, fantastic, crazy, foolish, impossible, laughable, irrational, nonsensical, outrageous, senseless, ludicrous, stupid, unbelievable, unreasonable, unthinkable, shocking, insane, asinine, exorbitant, silly, far-out, harebrained, wacky, and completely unsubstantiated assertions, claims, and assumptions.
“Wish in one hand and do something with the other. Squeeze both hands real hard and see which one comes true.” — Prince Corwin, Chronicles of Amber
breath dude.
brain = evidence
Any rational human would say that computers do not design themselves.
YOU are the ones saying you have EVIDENCE that computers fantastically self formed from magic magnets, except it will take an infinite amount of time and a blank check before you can actually prove it.
YOU show the evidence of how a computer self formed?
As to the SETI signal, it is hypothetical.
If you claim that no such signal could ever be found then call SETI and tell them to shut down because it is kind of stupid to look for a signal that can never occur according to the brilliance of aRashKisser
@ source code that never existed
Who the hell is "breath dude"? Whom are you addressing this new attempt of masking brain diarrhea?
At least when I correctly re-word your Screen Name, you still know it is to you whom I am addressing.
@ source code never written
And the second time you finally admit that you have lying about everything you have posted beginning with the Original OP. I bet you were never going to admit, were you? I finally wore the Religious Absolutists suffering from the Mental Disorder known as RSTD (Religious Stigmatic Traumatized Disorder).
Go away you liar.
PS – Admins/Mods: I am only calling "sourcecodewizard" what it actually has admitted to being.
sourcecodewizard: "aRashKisser"
And now that it has been exposed for what it truly is, it resorts to ad hominems.
Intelligence, indeed.
sourcecodewizard: "YOU are the ones saying you have EVIDENCE that computers fantastically self formed from magic magnets, except it will take an infinite amount of time and a blank check before you can actually prove it."
PLEASE!! prove I ever said this. Cite me where I said this. Cite my claim. Otherwise, the third admittance that you are a liar.
I'm going to go ahead and apologize for the atheists that have shown that they are unable to understand the wisdom of the brilliant sourcecodewizard.
I wasn't sure, so I went right to the source and found this, which absolutely PROVES what he has been saying. Get ready for it......
"When astronomers detect some kind of ordered “pulse” from space, they automatically hope it’s evidence of aliens. In fact, objects known as pulsars were originally called “LGM.” This stood for “little green men” because researchers thought the pulses must be from aliens. But pulsars are now believed to be rapidly rotating neutron stars.
Scientists are eagerly looking for evidence of alien life to prove we’re not alone. But here on earth, we have DNA—a complex language system. It couldn’t have originated by itself. Yet that’s what most scientists believe! They ignore the striking evidence for the Designer because, well, they’re willfully ignorant."
That's right you atheists, "willfully ignorant". Let that sink in.
And before you start babbling about "blind assertions" and "logical fallacies", let me point out the source of this righteousness.
Drum roll please..........
That's right, this cannot be refuted. It's from that Deacon of knowledge himself, yes, the leader of Answers in Genesis, the anointed one. Get ready for it...........
Ken Ham.
Need I say more? Put that in your crack pipes and smoke it you willfully ignorant atheists.
Don't stop at DNA, keep going until you get to functioning computers that self assemble from magic magnets that poofed themselves into existence. And where is your EVIDENCE of this process, oh I see, you need more funding then we will see results in 5 years.
Oh, I won't stop at DNA!!!
You and Ken will show these evil atheists all about EVIDENCE. Take a trip down to Kentucky and visit him and his wonderful Ark Museum. You can probably help him set up some new exhibits, maybe even get SETI defunded and use that money wisely, expanding the dinosaur room on the Ark.
I'm so glad that finally someone has PROVEN intelligent design to these heathens, even if they are too dense to understand it. Since I'm obviously a big fan, can I get VIP backstage pass when you accept your Nobel?
Maybe they could cover the modern steel frame with wood paneling. Give it a nice 1970's look.
LOL...too funny. Ken Hamburgler...LOL Cuh Mon mate, lets throw a couple dinosaurs on the dingy, the tikes will go bonkers over it.
Yep, Ken Ham is an absolute thunder twat of epic proportions who wouldn't know his arse from his elbow when it comes to astronomy or physics.... or facial hair, or how despite not buying evolution... looks like the missing link.
Why have you avoided my questions from page 1....
"When Jesus spoke of His Father. That's the one."
Is it also the one from Genesis? The one in the Garden who claims to be our creator?
If your response is yes, I am ready to challenge that by using your very own books through logic and the scriptures in Genesis.
New Question added: Are you a Scientologist?
Well. Are we lucky in that source code has left? Last post I seen him make was Thu 14 March 2019 @ 0731 UTC. It is now Thu 15 March 2019 @ 0226 UTC. I know. Only 19 hours. But it did seem he was always lurking, waiting for replies to immediately jump in and grace us with his overwhelming intellect upon us lowly life forms. Hmm...
Well I see source has finally realized he could not win.
Well, I made it just in time for the celebration. Sourcecode was spouting so much nonsense that I just outted myself from participating in the bullshit. I do make efforts not to violate the rules. This nice religious person needed to be avoided. So, some 50 posts later, I check in and what do I find???? A CELEBRATION!!! WOO HOO! LINE THEM UP (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0 (~)0