Science Unspoken Axiom #1: Deities are nonsense

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arakish's picture
@ source code that does not
sourcecodewizzard's picture
It is a hypothetical case of
arakish's picture
@ source code fantasy


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Cognostic's picture
@Randomhero1982 "Oh fuck me
sourcecodewizzard's picture
Your frustrated because you
comoke1024's picture
sourcecodewizzard's picture
I was worried that he had
Cognostic's picture
Randomhero1982's picture
Careful Cog, don't want an
Cognostic's picture
Randomhero1982: Too late.
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodewizard's OP
sourcecodewizzard's picture
sounds like your brain is
arakish's picture
sourcecodewizard: "sounds


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sourcecodewizzard's picture
hey look there is no
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodemigraine
sourcecodewizzard's picture
I know you are what am I?
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodemigraine
sourcecodewizzard's picture
Turd crap potty poo
sourcecodewizzard's picture
seriously, all joking aside
arakish's picture
@ sourcecodemigraine
sourcecodewizzard's picture
go ahead, I give up
arakish's picture
sourcecodemigraine: "go ahead
Tin-Man's picture
@Sourcecodewhackadoodle Re:
sourcecodewizzard's picture
nu uh you canman
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
sourcecodewizzard's picture
you must practice at home all
comoke1024's picture
"I believe the existence of
sourcecodewizzard's picture
Yes it's a screwed up world.
comoke1024's picture
I don't care whose fault it
sourcecodewizzard's picture
That it will all be worth it


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