Simple Question to Creationists

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maberl's picture
Simple Question to Creationists

Hi i have not seen this being discussed before so i am making a new topic

Creationist usually believe that all humans are the descendants of Adam and Eve. But do not think of two basic questions that arise right after this claim.

If the first children were born from Adam and Eve who did they consummated with for human reproduction. They must have had sex with their brothers and sisters. Was that moral for God then. if it was No wonder morality evolves with time and makes God's standards imperfect.
If not than someone else was also there other than adam and eve to bring wives for abel and cain. who has never been mentioned. and certainly then makes adam and eve not the only forefathers and further it only gets complicated..... =S

Secondly a much more serious question

When we look around at other humans today dont we see all these arab,asian, european and african etc races as a proof of human evolution If for the sake of the argument Adam and Eve were the first humans how have we all changed so much that we totally look different now and even have different traits and characteristics, we still call all humans because all have a similar ancestor.

but just as other apes (chimps etc) are included in this decsendancy Creationists go nuts......and totally reject evolution. Although there are some religious scientists who know evolution cannot be rejected and try to fit in evolution within the religion.

When i was religious(dark ages) i never bothered to look into evolution. Just took any word against it as the truth because otherwise that would have challenged the very basics of my Adam and Eve love story.( holy family fuck story to be honest)

When i got Enlightened and common sense and thinking was revealed to me only then i started to look into the evolution story.
( well not revealed but when i actually started using them more) =P
and realized that I have never heard people talking about this as a proof of evolution ( I wonder why what else can be a better living proof than us different Human races)

Creationists always say proof proof gimme proof its just a theory it can't be observed etc etc.....well i think the Bitch just got served

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WoW we have a winner!!!
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I've always wanted to win
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Oh, you finally got that? :)
maberl's picture
maberl's picture
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"Also, God banned certain
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I couldn't resist sneaking


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